
Sunday, December 26, 2010

prolific creativity

describes Linda Pruitt and her 3 wonderful etsy shops!  She loves all kinds of craft materials.  This is evidenced by the offerings in her shops. 
In her Pruitt Creations shop, you will find wonderful fabric goodnesses like this one of a kind brooch as well as cup cozys, quilts, aprons, pillows, pouches, paper goods, and more--much more.     

Look at these! 
bouncing circles apron

jelly roll quilt

reversible cup cozy  

In Linda's Pruitt Supply shop you will find fabrics, yarns, lace, paper, buttons, and yo yos.
yo yos 

Lastly, there is her Pruitt Design shop, filled with jewelry, which she will be closing on January 15.  Everything is 50% off.  Hurry!

Linda is a member of the etsy bloggers team and the etsy blogger for the month of December.  She is grandmother to 25 children!  She is also a breast cancer survivor.
Come read her blog, a place where she shares her life's adventures, handmade goodness, inspiration, and creativity. 
photos © 2010 by  Linda Pruitt 


  1. Thanks, Margaret, this is an awesome feature! And thanks for your friendship!

  2. what a nice feature! She has a lot going on. Linda was talking about regrouping, so I'm curious what she's up to... {:-D

  3. Linda is so talented! Lovely feature on her!

  4. She makes such pretty jewelry and her sewing creations are just as great!

  5. What a lovely feature. I am staying off ETSY and e-bay and out of shops for a few months. I think my husband might have had a little bit of sticker shock when he added up my Christmas shopping this year!

    But on the plus side, he did say I did wayyyy better than last year!


    I'm a bit late wishing you a Merry Christmas, so instead I'll be all cool and early and tell you Happy New Year now!


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