
Thursday, April 14, 2011

The End: Alphabet Soup

And so I've reached the end of this odyssey with Alphabe-Thursday.  What a challenge it had been at times to come up with a creative post for the current letter of the alphabet.    I've enjoyed this journey with you, my readers and fellow Alphabe-Thursdayers, sharing our posts and lives.   Thanks, Jenny! (You can click on any of the following links--in blue--to go to that post.)

A   Arch Rock, Valley of Fire
B  B is for... Bicycle, of course! 

C  C is for... Cats, of course!

 Earnest (little white kitty)

G  g is for... glass, Chihuly glass!

H  Hummus (a recipe with sauteed carrots and onions)

I island -- Sint Maarten, Netherland Antilles/Saint Martin, French West Indies

M Mushroom House (a fantastical house created by Cincinnati architect Terry Brown)

 Nine Ns (cats--cute)

P  Pi (and Daniel Tammet, autistic savant ↑)

Q  Sail Away #2 (quotes included!)

R  an early love (a very short and incomplete reading memoir)

S  a special party (sculpture, too!)

W  wire

X  xeric

Z  Z Cloud

Well, not quite.  There was Rainbow Summer School and my post for the color

Thus truly ends my post for "alphabet soup," linking up with Jenny Matlock's meme Alphabe-Thursday.  A new round will be starting next week.  Be sure to visit Jenny's blog my tangent..., and link up.  It's so much fun and you'll be privileged to meet many folks and read so many wonderful posts.   Amazingly, Jenny visits EACH blog EVERY week!!
(This week's link is HERE.)
photos by me © 2008-2011


  1. Great summary and walk down Alphabe-Thursday memory lane.

    You've done well!


  2. I enjoyed your summary and remember those posts, especially the ones with Earnest and Oliver! :)

  3. It has been great doing the Alphabet with you!

    See you next time around...

  4. Thank you for stopping by. Glad you enjoyed my Z post Zany Pants and my grandson. Love your blog.

  5. I always love your pix. I especially loved some the Rainbow summer school ones...just lovely. Happy AlphabetSoup!

  6. I love, love, love your post here that serves as an index to your past entries!!! That took some time! I would love to do one of all my past Alphabe-Thursday posts! Such a creative and useful idea!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    Thank you so, so much for your lovely visit and comment! :o)

  7. What a wonderful journey through Alphabe-Thursday memory lane!

  8. You nailed it for sure!! I love all your photos--especially the southwest ones!!

  9. wow! You've really made it through the alphabet. I need to look back now, on Pi! Thanks for introducing AlphabeThursday to me. {:-D

  10. Wonderful summary of your posts! Wow!

  11. Wow ! you really got the whole soup !!

  12. Great alphabet soup! Particularly the images of cats and cactus!The original naturegirl

  13. Great illustrations of the alphabet. I am always very impressed when someone comes up with something great for Q & Z, those two usually leave me at a loss.

    Have a great weekend!

  14. Rainbow Summer School?! Sounds perfect! I think my kids might be dressed for that today. :)

  15. ooo...thanks so much for posting about the tie dye shirts, Sandra!!!

  16. Just hopping around the list today and glad I popped over here. How cool that you posted these little snippets of your whole year!

    On to another fun one:)

  17. You know what I loved about this post? I remembered these links! It made me smile to realize what a journey we've been on together!

    Thanks for the wonderful Alphabetp recap!

    You are a gem! And I am honored that you participate in this meme.


  18. Beautiful images! I love those cute cats!

  19. What a cool journey through the alphabet. Great job. Bitter sweet I'm sure.

  20. Mmmmmm, loved your alphabet soup! The pictures were great too!

    God bless ya and have a marvelous day sweetie! :o)

  21. This is an awesome way to way through the Alphabet. What a journey it was.


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