
Monday, June 20, 2011

celebrating my Dad

My Dad and me at Christmastime.  I am just shy of my 3rd birthday.

My Dad has been dead many years and is so missed.  He was a gentle and kind man with a giving heart.  Of course, I had him wrapped around my little finger! 
(How about that tie?!)

This post is for the etsy bloggers' team carnival which is hosted by Cindy of Devine Designs Jewelry.  You can visit her shop HERE and her blog HERE.  (Her creations are gorgeous!) 

These are the topics for this carnival: 
1. Father's Day is June 19. Write anything you want pertaining to Father's Day.
2. What is your favorite summer recipe? Please share with us!
A list with links to all participants submissions are posted on our team BLOG.   (You'll want to see the yummy and easy Summer recipe posted here.)
photo by W. Jamison © 2011


  1. I love old photos, and that one is a definite gem! That tie is something else and you look adorable gazing up at him!! :)

  2. That's such a sweet photo! You were a cutie pie!

  3. Such an adorable photo! My dad has been gone for over 12 years. I still miss him too!

    xo Catherine

  4. Awww, so very sweet! I do not know, and it is not likely that I will ever, who my father is. Blessings that you knew him, and he forever looks over you like in the photo.

  5. What a wonderful and treasured photo!

  6. Hello fellow Cincinnatian! I'm so glad you came by. I'm here in SHaronville! Thanks for the Kudos. Now that we know where we are let's not be strangers! As soon as I can get onto Follower/Friends I'll be your newest and your blog'll be on my Bloglist 8o)

  7. I love this picture of the two of you, it's a real treasure, and yes I love that tie too :)

  8. What a wonderful photo Margaret, it is obvious that father and daughter adored each other. My dad has been gone for many years too and, like your dad, he is missed. At least we have our memories.

    Thanks for stopping by today. You asked about the feral cat trapping. I have blogged about the Cat Management Coalition but not so much about the trapping. I have only done it a few times so far but after this weekend I am more confident about my abilities. I will probably do a blog post in the near future. The problem is I don't have a lot of photos yet, it gets so busy I don't have time to grab my camera.

  9. They say a photo equals 1000 words and this beautiful picture proves it! :)

  10. Awww, I love that picture. My father passed away many years ago, but it's funny how it never feels like he's gone. Great tribute to your dad!

  11. Margaret, I just love that you post your old pictures! This one is precious! I miss my dad too!

  12. sweet photo and theme for a blog party, always nice to celebrate the good men in our world


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