
Friday, June 17, 2011


...marked by inventive skill and imagination...
The amazing ingenuity of nature delights me!  All around us are everyday miracles that are inspirational and cause our spirits to soar.  I love to take my camera for a trip around my yard or the greater world to catch some of these miracles.  In this post, I will focus on pattern, color, and form of just a few plants.
bee guides on pansy
riotous paint job


pollen rich yearning

I'm participating in Ms. Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday.  Come visit more entries HERE.  You will be enlightened, charmed, and have some plain ole fun!  This week our letter is "I." 

(HERE  is my last post for the letter I, "inspiration.")


  1. A gorgeous series of flowers Margaret. I love the riotous paint job! No artist will ever rival Mother Nature's creativity and color palette.

  2. What great pictures - makes you look afresh at the wonders of this world.

  3. Yes, nature is indeed ingenious!
    Great photos!

  4. I love the riotous paint job. What kind of flower is that?

  5. What beautiful pictures. I'd love to have those in my yard.

  6. Athena, the riotous paint job flower is an orchid!

  7. Your photographs are wonderful. Do you use a digital camera, and if so, which one??

  8. Gorgeous photos Margaret! Your post makes way more sense today. I saw it last night and it said blah, blah, blah! LOL

  9. I never thought about the black lines on a pansy being "landing strips" for bees, but I bet that's exactly what they are! Beautiful photos.

  10. What a pretty color combination on the pansy. And the lily is a riot of color. The hibiscus is just gorgeous. Beautiful photos.

  11. The garden is always full of lovely surprises to photograph! Very pretty!
    xo Catherine

  12. I’m a day late and a dollar short, always – just getting to Thursday commenting!

    Beautiful flowers. Whenever I go
    to San Francisco's Botanical Garden, I am so amazed at the incredible array of plants and flowers. Their beauty is overwhelming.

    My Alphabe Thursday post is at:

  13. I turn to nature for inspiration too! These are some awesome photos! I love the colors, they are inspiring in themselves!

  14. Delightful post and beautiful photos.
    You had asked what wildlife our family is involved with. Mum has been in rescue and rehab in 3 different countries and now currently works with birds or possums (they are protected here) my daughter specialises in echidnas

  15. Love that second pic the best! Awesome!

  16. so beautiful! I love going for walks and looking at all the pretty things. Makes a blah day feel so much better. Can't wait till Buster is comfortable on a lease! {:-D

  17. The hibiscus - *sigh* - gorgeous!

  18. Beautiful photos. You have an artist's eye.

  19. I love your themed posts, this one reminds me that I shouldn't just look at the flower, but to focus on the details more. It's a good reminder.

    The green post with the baby owl was spectacular, too!

  20. What beautiful, beautiful photos. :) Nature is a constant source of inspiration and peace for me. When we really stop and study the details, they are quite breathtaking! :)

  21. Wow. And what a clever post!

    This was really neat. I've never the about flowers from this viewpoint before!

    But now I will!

    Interesting and wonderful link this week.

    Thank you.



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