
Friday, November 4, 2011

Angels Landing

Angels Landing is a towering 5785 foot monolith gracing Zion National Park in Southern Utah.  The hike, with an 1488 foot elevation gain, up this narrow fin is one of the most thrilling in the National Park system.  
The trail up to Angels Landing starts at The Grotto.  Farther along, the trail begins to get steep.
The trail up this exposed ridge is steep and narrow with long drop offs sometimes on both sides.  The views, however, are spectacular!
looking back.  still near the beginning.
Looking up, there is spectacular beauty!
After hiking through Refrigerator Canyon, we begin the portion of the trail called Walter's Wiggles, a series of 21 tight switchbacks going straight up.  (Check out the links below to see photos.  One is starred.  Look quickly to see what this really looks like.)
looking up at the last few switchbacks of Walter's Wiggles  
(To get a sense of what this is really like, check out the links below!)
After making it to this point, we come to Scout's Lookout, a large flat area with restrooms.  Many people stop at this point because the next section is scary as you will see.  Here we stop to eat our sandwiches. 
Next up:  the chains!  The last half mile is across a narrow ridge with drop offs on either side.  Along most of this section, chains are anchored into the rock.
Don't look down!
There is a section about a quarter mile long of scrambling up rocks, holding on to the chain.  We made it!  The end of the hike!  NOT!  Look ahead and above--there's the last quarter mile!  up that fin!  (You can see part of this trail under the pine branch.)
Disclosure:  I stop at this point and take photos of the brave souls continuing on.  That would include my husband and our friend Pam.
See the narrowness and drop offs on either side?!

coming back down from the very top.
Actually, coming down was much easier and less scary than going up.  If I had known that, I may have continued on at least for a bit.
On our way back down now.

the end of the trail--the bridge over the Virgin River

Zion National Park Angel's Landing information
National Park Service virtual hike
Joe's Guide to the hike complete with topo map 
great trail photos --see Walter's Wiggles 2nd row 3rd from left
*great photo of Walter's Wiggles-- a must see!
another Zion POST with some links
good trail information

Walter's Wiggles were named after Walter Ruesch, the first superintendent of Zion National Park.  He oversaw the construction of the West Rim Trail as well as the trail up Angels Landing.  He wanted a trail that was functional yet melded into the landscape.

I'm so happy Ms Jenny has decided to do another round of Alphabe-Thursday! This is such a fun meme!  Thank you, Ms Jenny!  Come and join in the fun!  You will be charmed and even enlightened in a delightful way!  See more entries HERE. This week we are at the beginning of the alphabet with the letter "A."

I'm also participating in SkyWatch Friday, another fun meme with lovely photographs from all over the world!  SkyWatch Friday is hosted by Wren, fishing guy, Sylvia, Klaus, and Sandy.

photos by me © 2010


  1. The trail looks dizzying in spots, splendid all over!


    Imagine a world with no sky—
    Through what would the geese and crows fly?
    And where would bears go
    If there were no snow
    Falling to earth from on high?

    © 2011 by Magical Mystical Teacher

    Big Weed, Little Sky

  2. Wow...Your photos always make me want to get outside! Well...except the scary ones :)
    You really capture nature's beauty!

  3. I don't know if I could have stood that! I'm not really afraid of heights, but I think I am! It is beautiful to look at! {:-D

  4. You are incredibly brave to have gone as far as you did! I am not sure I could have done it!!

  5. Oh my your photos are awesome! And I don't have any doubt you are all brave. ^_^ Happy weekend!


  6. What an adventure you had. Love all the shots of the hiking. Great sky shots!

  7. What a gorgeous place! I'm not sure I'm brave enough to hike there but I'd like to think so! Thanks for sharing your photos!

  8. Wow! It must have been an amazing hike. You guys are brave! I don't know if i could go all the way up there.

  9. I am impressed with not only the beautiful scenery, but also your energy in conquering this hiking trek. As someone who is afraid of heights, I am glad to appreciate them from a distance through your wonderful photos.

  10. Great view of the heights! Cool shots :)

  11. I can never look down I am too afraid of heights! When I used to hike and backpack I would think we had traveled LONG distances only to discover the switchbacks meant we were still at the top.

  12. Crazy-thrilling! But I have to say that even though I'm scared of heights, it looks like a really cool hike that I'd (mostly) enjoy. :)

  13. Gosh ~ I don't know if I could hike up those trails ~ they are pretty narrow and very high!!

    It sure looks nice and warm there. Please feel free to send some heat up my way. ;)

    xo Catherine

  14. Absolutely gorgeous pictures as usual, this is still on my list of Nat. Parks to see.

  15. What a beautiful hike. Such wonderful scenery. I would not have the breathe or legs to climb all of them. LOL!

  16. Wow, absolutely stunning! I have only been out west a few times, but I would love to get out there again. Thanks for sharing all of your beautiful photos and some information about Zion.

  17. I love the views! I would need to work out a lot before making this hike.

  18. It's beautiful! No doubt about it! But where's the elevator???

  19. Wow! I wasn't even hiking and I was breathless! lol

  20. Wow - that is some scary trail up the mountain! Lovely views and scenery though.

  21. Delicious photos. I really would not want those fierce mosquitoes on the skin.

  22. Your pictures are amazing -- and beautiful. We didn't have an opportunity to do any hiking when we visited Zion this past June, so we missed out on glorious sights such as this.
    Thanks for visiting my site.

  23. Wow---that is awesome... Not sure I could do it--but I'd love to try sometime... That top part looks scary!!!!! What a great view though.

  24. What a treat!!
    Terrific photos of a wonderful expedition. Thank you so much.
    1500 feet sounds doable, doesn't it?
    And then you look at the pictures :-)

  25. WOW! That looks absolutely spectacular! I'm going to have to put that on my life list of places to visit!

  26. Holy cow! Are you kidding? There is no way I could do that. You must have nerves of steel!

    Gorgeous photos, really amazing.

    Thanks so much for coming by and commenting on my blog. I truly appreciate it. :)

  27. This is unbelievably beautiful. We had the opportunity to hike in Jasper AB this summer. It was amazing.

  28. This was quite an adventure! Very beautiful and absolutely breathtaking! Thanks for sharing!

  29. Whoa..what a breath taking view, but my stomach was in knots looking at the steep trail. Fantastic photos.

  30. Wow! Don't think I could make it on that hike. The heights would bother me. I got worn out just walking around at the refuge by the sea with the ups and downs there!

    Thank you for coming by my place!


  31. You're a braver woman than I, by far. Breathtaking as that trail must be, I'm pretty sure the heights and narrow paths would have me turning back before long. Amazing photos - thanks for taking us along on the hike!

  32. Oh my this is amazing. What a beautiful hike. Great job on hiking that.

  33. Beautiful photos! What an amazing place to hike.

  34. Beautiful picturs! Wow! That looks like quite a hike. My husband and I are hikers but just looking at some of those pictures made my stomach a little queasy! I'm sure it's worth it when you get to the top for many reasons.

  35. That looks like a beautiful hike, but rather difficult. I'm happy to enjoy the scenery through your gorgeous pictures!


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