
Monday, November 7, 2011

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

guide:  Swiss chard (leaves in back.  These come with white, red, and yellow stems.), eggplant (creamy, yellow rimmed veggie in the middle), 3 beets (on either side of the eggplant), radish (on left), 2 carrots (on right).  The colors and patterns are so beautiful!

detail of Indigo Angel by Janice Campion
On Sunday, I attended the reception of Chrysalis, a life retrospective of fiber artist Janice Campion's work.  The show was held at Grailville, a retreat and education center, with a Fall Harvest Supper following.  Most of the food was grown at Grailville and it was delicious!

in disguise 
This landscape is disguised by water from the carwash rivuleting over the windshield.

detail of The Guardian by Janice Campion  
The full quilt follows.  Janice hand dyes, batiks, and paints much of her fabric.  Most quilting is done by hand.  Some decorative sewing is done on machine.  When seen in person and up close, the detail of her work is truly stunning.
The Guardian by Janice Campion, 1993
"The challenge of my work is to combine both decorative and figurative elements."  This work was inspired by Gustav Klimt, and was part of an international show in Paris inspired by the works of Klimt.
(cotton, applique, reverse applique,  hand and machine pieced, hand and machine quilted, textile pigments, hand embroidered)

photographer's choice 
 detail from the hem of a doll's dress by Janice Campion
This dress is made entirely of woven strips of fabric about a quarter inch wide.  Each strip has stitched details along its entire length.
I had to show you the entire doll even though this is a bad photo.  I wish I had taken more photos of the details.
Janice's quilts have been in Juried and Invitational Shows throughout the United States and in Europe. They have appeared in Quilt magazines, on the PBS show, Sew Creative, HGTV's The Carol Duvall Show, and on the cover of a textbook.

Grailville  --a center for
retreats, spirituality, women's empowerment, the environment, the arts, and good old peace and quiet.

I'm having so much fun participating in this challenging, inspiring, and fun meme.  Come on over to  Scavenger Hunt Sunday on Ashley Sisk's blog and see some wonderful, creative entries.  Link up, too!

photos by me © 2011
artwork © Janice Campion


  1. Gosh how arty! Love the fruit colours.

  2. what a talented artist! Looks like a great show! {:-D

  3. Love your landscape creative.

  4. Lovely photos! Janice Campion is very talented!

  5. Nicely done - I really like your interpretation for in disguise.

  6. I love these! The "in disguise" one was really clever. :)

  7. Yummy veggies!!
    Wow, that art doll must have taken many details. She's very talented!

  8. Wonderful photos - the car windshield photo is fabulous!

  9. Gorgeous photos! The exhibit looks beautiful. I especially love the beaded doll hair.

  10. Love your creative take on these subjects!

  11. there are so many talented people about. thanks for showing this artist's work through your creative shots.

  12. How wonderful to be able to see this artist's work. I like the beaded hem on the doll's dress.

  13. Janice Campion does beautiful work and I enjoy your images from art event.

  14. very fine and detailed work on the doll hair.I think jewellery embellishments have really adorned the piece beautifully.


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