
Thursday, June 14, 2012


Lost and lonely, this bighorn sheep was wandering the parking lot at Logan's Pass in Glacier National Park.  Finally, he found the edge and is peering over.  He seems to be scanning the view for something familiar.  

Do you ever feel like you've lost your way--even momentarily?

I'm linking up with my favorite teacher, Ms Jenny Matlock!  See others' completed homework assignments HERE. Come join in the fun!  This week our letter is "D."

photos by me © 2008    all rights reserved


  1. Good one. Great photo

  2. I'm in a constant state of 'lostness'! Lovely shot of a very stately animal.

  3. poor guy. I hope he finds his herd. But what a great opportunity, to see a bighorn that close up! {:-D

  4. almost like - hmmmm now where was that tree I nibbled to mark the path.....

  5. oh I am sure that i have lost my way momentarily more than just once or twice!

  6. A good shot of a white tailed derriere! Nice of him/her to pose for the posterier photo! As for losing my way...yep...been there done that in the parking lot. Thank goodness for HornButton on the KeyFob.

  7. Get me driving and I will be lost.

  8. Great idea for the letter D! That's an awesome pose. Don't we all have that feeling sometimes?

  9. Oh my! He does look like he's looking for something or someone. What a great pic!

  10. Momentarily? If his 'd' sees the way, LOL - my 'd' is following! Great photo!

  11. LOL. This was not quite the derriere I was expecting to see. :D

  12. That's a great capture, and yes I can relate to how this big horn was feeling and still is some time :-(

  13. What a great shot! There's such depth in the photo, and you really captured the way he must be feeling ...
    I have a terrible sense of direction so I'm constantly lost!!

  14. Wonderful photo. I like D, delicious.

  15. Ha! That is the way I feel when I start a big project......I try to remember that the journey of 1000 miles begins with a single step. That helps me put things in prospective. thank you for stopping by and I hope you have a great week.

  16. Hello.
    Now that's a poser right there! LOL Awesome shot!
    Yes...we can all relate to being or feeling lost at some point in time.
    Thanks for sharing & visiting. See you later in the week!

    Your Divine Secrets

  17. He has such a beautiful landscape to search!

  18. Beautiful photograph, and insightful question!

  19. That's a great shot...and a fun post. I suspect we've all lost our way somewhere along our respective paths. I know I have.

  20. Beautiful photo! I hope he finds what he's looking for.
    I know that feeling ;-)

  21. It's a stunning posterior! Almost as stunning as Target's :-)

  22. We thought we had lost our way for a while, but then we found it! Oh, and I am afraid to look at my derrier in the mirror, having just gotten back from vacation on Jekyll Island, with all that fabulous fresh seafood!!!

    Thanks for your thoughtful comment on my post, Margaret. I wish more people had given me some feedback on it.

  23. Awh, poor buddy! I do...quite a lot actually, feel like I need to take a step back to get my groundings!

  24. Do I ever feel like that?

    I think the more accurate question is, 'Do I ever feel like I know where I'm going?'

    And the answer to that is...



    What a delightful link for the letter 'D'.


  25. Looks like he took a wrong turn and lost the rest of the herd. Where did they go?
    He does have a nice looking derriere.

  26. I'm glad this bighorn found his/her way!
    xo Catherine


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