
Sunday, June 10, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

on my way home Saturday after going on a (very cool, organized) tour of my city--Cincinnati.  (more about that later)

detail of a display for Bikes in Boom, an art display event all over the town of Milford, Ohio, sponsored by the Greater Milford Events and Arts Council. This one is outside of a Walgreens.

I've interrupted Oliver 's window time to snap his picture by teasing him with a toy.

a calla lily leaf.  These spots are not white but are translucent.

Baby Swiss chard plants are growing in a pot on my deck.

a pile of cards I made with friends last Friday evening.

This is a very fun meme hostessed by Ashley Sisk in which 5 prompts are given and one must then take a photo to illustrate each one.  Come see how others have interpreted these words HERE!  You have till Tuesday, June12 to join in.

photos by me © 2011 & 2012    all rights reserved


  1. Your SILLY shot is quite intriguing! Nice set of shots!

  2. Love your shot of the leaf! Great composition. Of course Oliver is adorable as always.

  3. Love the silly bike outside of Walgreens. How fun!

  4. Great photos! Of course Oliver is as handsome as ever! Your cards look great! You should add some to your shop!

  5. Purrfect Black and White photo :) And the leaf close-up is great!
    I agree with Sharla...your cards are great! Get those in the shop :)

  6. Oliver is so pretty and that picture of the leaf is awesome! It looks like you altered it with that view and does not even look like a leaf. Very cool.

    I featured one of your posts in today's It’s a Wrap Link Party at Artful Rising.


  7. Oliver is such a sweetie! How adorable :-) I also love your handmade cards - something we have in common. Have a lovely day.

  8. You're even growing swiss chard!? Lucky:) It's funny- I'm learning more for what I'm going to do next year with my little container garden than getting anywhere with this years! Beautiful Oliver!

  9. I've grown that chard before. Yummy! Oliver looks quite handsome in this picture, too!

  10. All of your pics are wonderful! I love the photo of Oliver especially :)
    He's adorable!! And your handmade cards are GORGEOUS! I didn't realize you made those as well. You are a very crafty lady :)


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