
Monday, July 30, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

a silk scrunchie painted with dyes

The wind plastered this leaf to a window during one of the many recent storms. 

Huck, the farm kitty, once again!

We've had numerous rainstorms in the past week.  They've been accompanied by great winds causing trees to snap and power outages.  A storm blew up as I was driving to the library last Tuesday.  I waited in my car before going in so as not to be drenched to the bone.  I had my camera with me!  So I amused myself.  This is a shot of a store window through my rain-splotted car window.  

and another

such drama in the skies lately!  Here the sky is the bluest blue of fair Summer with puffy white clouds, and some menacing dark thunderous clouds thrown in for effect!

This is a very fun meme hostessed by Ashley Sisk in which 5 prompts are given and one must then take a photo to illustrate each one.  Come see how others have interpreted these words HERE!  (And you'll get to see photos of Ashley's newly born baby girl!)  You have till Tuesday, July 31 at midnight EST to join in.

Next week's words are Going Back in Time, Something Just for Me, Best Part of My Day, Night & Day, Look Up

photos by me © 2012    all rights reserved


  1. Huck gets my vote for my favorite photo this week :) The leaf is a cool shot too!
    We finally got some rain this weekend! I'm glad we didn't get the storms though!

  2. Great job as always! The leaf and rain shots are really cool. Your cloud capture is very inspiring as well.

  3. Such great photos today! Those rainstorms really inspired some great abstract work for you. Lovely:)

  4. Love Huck's eyelashes! Great photos of the storms though!

  5. Oh, I really like "eyelashes" And the rain on the window looks so very refreshing. We don't get too much of that in El Paso. :)

  6. Absolutely love the rain pictures!

  7. I have not seen the pictures to words. Wish I was a more avid photographer!

  8. great photos! I love the shapes - cool! {:-D

  9. Great answers to you prompts! Wonderful photos!

  10. they're all great shots. i'm inspired because my photography lately has been lacking... lol... idk what i'm doing wrong??? but... any post with really cool pics works for me. :)


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