
Friday, July 27, 2012


I love to explore new places, to immerse myself in the beauty of this wonderous Earth.  Today I share with you a few photos of favorite places to which I've journeyed.  

Ophir Pass, Colorado, 11789'
Ophir Pass is near Telluride in Southeastern Colorado.  The road is dirt, narrow, rocky, and often with steep drop offs.  The view is magnificent!  The path climbs out of aspen groves littered with wildflowers, and ascends into fields of gray, green, and maroon talas.  I was there in late September of 2007 and 2 days later the pass was closed due to snow.  See the San Miguel Mountains in the distance?  To get to Ophir Pass, we took US Highway 550 North from Durango.  Between Silverton and Ouray 550 is known as the "Million Dollar Highway."  The scenery is absolutely breathtaking!

Logan Pass, Glacier National Park, Montana
The sweeping vistas in the mountains are so majestic!  Beauty abounds in the smaller things as well--colorful rocks, wild animals, gorgeous flowers.  Breathe the air and let joy fill your spirit! 

Sint Maarten, Netherland Antilles
Oh how I do love St. Maarten!  The beaches are gorgeous.  Some are small; some are long.  Some are crowded and busy; some are secluded and serene.  There's always something to explore here...and time to let your soul simply be alive.  

description of Ophir Pass drive
Hidden Lake trail 
St. Maarten beaches 

LINKS to my past posts:
Glacier National Park:
escape  one of a view along Ophir Pass; most are of Grinnell Glacier
Majesty  Hidden Lake near Logan Pass
along the Hidden Lake Treail with some fun questions asked of Park Rangers 
Glacier Skies  Hidden Lake Trail

St. Maarten:
Cupecoy (one of my favorite photos)
Sail Away  Cupecoy beach with a poem by John Masefield
maps + a couple photos
sunset and sunset (Cupecoy)
Baie Longue  
Pointe de Bluff 

I'm linking up with my favorite teacher, Ms Jenny Matlock, as we work our way through the alphabet.  Please do go visit the other students, for you never know what gems you may find--humor, poignancy, information, visions of far away places, stuff you've never even dreamed of!  Check it out HERE.  You may even wish to join in yourself!  This week our letter is "J."

photos by me © 2007 and 2008  all rights reserved


  1. St Marteen is amazing isn't it?! and the people are just so stinking nice (on the dutch side... ahem. lol). I haven't been to the other places but your photos make me want to go see more of the world... someday...

  2. All three places are beautiful! I've been on the Million Dollar Highway but need to make it to Glacier NP and to St. Maarten.

  3. That photo of Logan Pass is simply stunning! And of course, I adore the Antilles photo as well. Great "J" post, Margaret! I am about to take a journey of my own, you know.

  4. Love the photo of Logan Pass. So beautiful!

  5. Beautiful, I've not been to any of those but the first two remind me of Scotland

  6. Oh my goodness...I got goosebumps looking at these photos! So beautiful!
    I've only seen the mountains when they're covered in snow (snowmobiling), but these make me want to go in the spring/summer to enjoy their beauty!

  7. Lovely photos! As a Colorado native I am very honored to see you show my state off here! All your journeys have been blessed with beauty haven't they? Enjoy your weekend and thank you for the share!

  8. amazing views!

    hope you have a great day.

  9. Gorgeous! The Colorado pass photo reminds me of when we (1st hubby and I used to hike and backpack in the Sierras. Great trips!

  10. Beautiful photos - thanks for sharing your favorite places!

  11. Your vacation photos are stunning as always! Thanks for sharing a few more of them with us.

  12. What gorgeous places! The wildflowers in the pass are startling. I'd love to be on a beach like the one you love so much - white sand and blue water - just the thing!

  13. We went to Tulluride on a trip for work. It was a long ride, but worth it! Colorado has such a wide variety of views! And the beach pic is beautiful! I love the ocean! such a nice Letter J! {:-D

  14. Those are some beautiful places! I would love to visit them sometime :)

  15. What gorgeous places you've visited! I especially like the Glacier National Park photo. I could just curl up with a book on that hillside.

  16. These all seem like incredible Journeys...

    All of the photograps are amazing but the first one really captured me...

    Great Job for the letter J...

    Thanks for linking.



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