
Thursday, July 19, 2012

searching for some


“Those who contemplate the beauty of the earth find reserves of strength that will endure as long as life lasts. There is something infinitely healing in the repeated refrains of nature -- the assurance that dawn comes after night, and spring after winter.”
~ Rachel Carson

But to the eyes of the man of imagination, nature is imagination itself.”
~ William Blake

“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.”
~Maya Angelou

“Do stuff. be clenched, curious. Not waiting for inspiration's shove or society's kiss on your forehead. Pay attention. It's all about paying attention. attention is vitality. It connects you with others. It makes you eager. stay eager.”
~ Susan Sontag

In those times when inspiration seems to escape me or I'm feeling down, I'll often take my camera, walk out my door, and go for a hunt about the yard.  It's amazing what you can see by observing closely.  Nature never ceases to amaze me!

QUESTION:  What do you do when you're lacking inspiration?

I'm linking up with my favorite teacher, Ms Jenny Matlock, as we work our way through the alphabet.  Please do go visit the other students, for you never know what gems you may find--humor, poignancy, information, visions of far away places, stuff you've never even dreamed of!  Check it out HERE.  You may even wish to join in yourself!  This week our letter is "I."

photos by me ©  2011 and 2012


  1. for inspiration I read blogs or just out and take photos of the sky or the ground. I'm always surprise there could be so many little rain puddles everywhere.

    have a swet day.

  2. The moon, sky and stars are awesome and inspiring for me♫
    Great post and reminder to be inspired.

  3. Your flower photos are always inspiring! I frequently find inspiration when I set out somewhere with my camera, too.

  4. beautiful photos as always! i love going out into the yard and seeing what i can find too. or, i will watch films or look through other inspiring art & photography.

  5. Wonderful quotes and photos! I LOVE THIS POST!!!

  6. Great "I" post today! Well, most recently, when I need inspiration I go to Pinterest! Have a great weekend, Nan

  7. Question: I was just asked if I would swap with a gal that has a photography shop and I see yours....have you thought of selling a few prints? You take awesome photos!

  8. Gorgeous shots! I'm with you- cameras provide all the inspiration you need!

  9. Is the top one a clematis? This is one of my mom's favorite flowers :)
    And the butterfly shot is so awesome!!!

  10. I love these compositions macro, delicious tones, very creative colors in those flowers steeped in sweet mystery. Greetings.

  11. We were on the same wavelength this week. When I need inspiration I try to change my routine - and sometimes it works.

  12. your photography is gorgeous -- one day, I hope to emulate.

  13. Thanks so much for stopping by - was going to include Borat in his,er, swimsuit but thought it might maybe offend!

    Lovely post - and blog!

    Have a lovely weekend too!

  14. Thanks so much for stopping by - thought of including Borat but thought it might offend!

    Lovely post - and blog!

    Have a lovely weekend too!

  15. Me again - problems getting my comment published!!! Third time lucky?!!!

  16. fabulous photos! I am inspired by nature also, and the sea. But if I'm at my computer, all I have to do is look at a few art journals online, and it gets me excited! {:-D

  17. Beautiful shots! I'm like you..when I need inspiration, I get my camera and look closely at what's around me...there's no lack of inspiring things!

  18. Beautiful! I agree, a walk with a camera can be very inspirational!

  19. Dear Margaret,
    Who will not find inspiration from that first flower? Pictures turn our realities into beautiful memories. Well done my friend.

  20. Your photos are gorgeous and cheer me immediatelly when I look at them.


  21. Lovely flowers. The blue one is really stunning.

  22. I am always inspired by reading about what other people ar inspired by... kind of a cheat I guess but effective all the same!!

  23. I love the quotes. It's true that nature helps us inspire and regenerate. Taking a walk really helps me put things into a proper perspective.

  24. Beautiful!! Stunning photos. I always find that time with Nature helps me recharge my batteries and get the creative juices flowing again. Lovely post.

  25. I like your idea of taking your camera with you to look for inspiration in your yard.

  26. I usually take a walk when I need a recharge. That Maya Angelou quote is great!

  27. Beautiful flowers and very inspiring quotes. A walk in one of our local parks or a nature trail will always recharge my creativity batteries.

  28. Neat! The middle of the second flower reminds me of bean sprouts. Which, sadly, I don't see on many salad bars anymore.

    ♥ aquariann
    Featured Photo: Pink Daylily

  29. Nature is my inspiration! And knowinng the one who created it all is so soothing and uplifting! Goregous photos!!!!!!!

  30. Nature always gives us the best inspiration doesn't she? That top flower is so beautiful!
    Wishing you a happy August!
    xo Catherine

  31. Often when I'm lacking inspiration, I read blogs! There are so many viewpoints that I'm always intriqued and fascinated...

    ...and then up feeling inspired to write or paint or create!

    Thanks for an inspiring link for the letter 'I'.

    Your flowers pictures are gorgeous!



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