
Thursday, August 9, 2012


lake with Chihuly glass and Koi in Columbus, Ohio

Mono Lake is a large, shallow saline soda lake south of Reno and east of Yosemite in California.  It was formed 760,000 or more years ago in a basin that has no outlet to the ocean.  This fact causes high levels of salt to accumulate.  The very weird rock forms are called tufas (too'-fahs).  Tufas are formed of limestone in an uncommon way.  There is a reaction between the lake water, rich in carbonates, and water from underground springs rich in calcium.  Calcium carbonate--or limestone--is thus formed.   The limestone precipitates out of solution around the springs forming towers over a period of many years.  These towers grow exclusively underwater.  So many can be seen today because of water diversion from the lake.

Lower Grinnell Lake as seen from the trail to Grinnell Glacier.  Glacial flur (flour), a suspension of fine particles of limestone ground by movement of Grinnell Glacier, causes the lake water to be turquoise.

Dale Chihuly website
blog post with photo of Upper Grinnell Lake and Grinnell Glacier
map of Grinnell Glacier hike

I'm linking up with my favorite teacher, Ms Jenny Matlock, as we work our way through the alphabet.  Please do go visit the other students, for you never know what gems you may find--humor, poignancy, information, visions of far away places, stuff you've never even dreamed of!  Check it out HERE.  You may even wish to join in yourself!  This week our letter is "L." 

photos by me © 2005, 2008, 2009  all rights reserved


  1. Those are some lovely lakes. Such clear unspoiled water.


  2. I didn't know that about the turquoise colour of that lake! The lake with the koi and the glass spheres is beautiful!

  3. I was so taken by the glass that I did not see the koi--and I thought you were calling the glass the fish! Silly me.

  4. These are amazing pictures! What pretty lakes!

  5. What gorgeous lakes. I love the different colors of the lakes in your pictures. Nature is so awesome in its beauty.

  6. So we have our own "Dead Sea"! How interesting! The color of it reminded me of Lake Louise in Banff, Alberta, Canada.

  7. We have a botanical garden nearby that has the floating glass and koi in a little pond -- beautiful! So much fun to watch the fish!
    Love your last pic!

  8. Oh wow. These photos are amazing. And I love the glass and koi. Gorgeous.


  9. Your photo of Grinnell Lake is so beautiful! The flowers and the color of the water are stunning!

  10. Wow, that's pretty cool to know! Gorgeous photos too!

  11. the art museum in OKC has a permanent exhibit of Chihuly's. I love it! And the photo of Lower Grrinnell Lake is beautiful. So neat how the elements in the world mix!

  12. Makes me want to Jump in !! LOVELY!!

  13. Love the photos!! The 2nd best thing to being there!

  14. So beautiful! Love those glass balls in with the fish!
    xo Catherine

  15. Love Chihuly! The color of the water in that last picture is surreal.

  16. i love the colorful balls in the first picture

    lamb's wool

  17. A beautiful post for letter L.
    The lake's color must be something to behold in real life.
    And, the Chihuly glass and koi, gorgeous.
    I was lucky enough to see an exhibit of Chihuly glass and demo at the Chrysler Museum. It was breathtaking!
    Lovely L post!!

  18. I havene't been to Mono Lake is just years! Used to go by it every summer on our way to the east side of the Sierra's to go backpacking! Thanks for memories!

    And, Glacial sediments also make some lakes look milkish. The other day our Sandy River looked this way. It was stange to see the river looking milky, but it is low right now. Great pics, as usual!

  19. Hello.
    These photos are amazing. You'd think these lakes belong somewhere tropical, not right here in our backyard! Thanks for sharing.

    L is for: Diary Of Love

  20. Great photos. The Chihuly balls are so fun. And I love Mono lake.

  21. Hi SLS ~~ The Chihuly glass in the Koi pond was very pretty. And large!
    I like Koi ponds, one year in Houston one of the garden clubs had a Koi Pond Tour. We bought tickets and drove to the various places. Some of them were multi-million dollar homes.

    Thank you for peeking in on my "L"ily pads. You know, I love to post about pictures I didn't take but haven't done much of that.

  22. Nice L post. I really like the koi in the first pic.

    Thanks for your visit & Have a great day.

  23. Very pretty! Love the long perspective with the little flowers.

  24. I am hoping to get back to visit Ohio this fall. I sometimes land in Columbus and I will definitely seek out that lake! What lovely pictures!

    Thanks for sharing this 'cooling' link with us for the letter 'L'.



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