
Thursday, August 2, 2012

The Difficult Art of Kitty Portraiture

Kitty portraiture is most definitely a difficult art!
Oliver and Earnest resting together--a lucky shot from a week or so ago.

It's not too challenging to snap a photo when kitties are caught napping.

However, today, I really wanted to get them together for a "buddy photo."  Alas this was not to be!  I tried many schemes...

shaking a favorite toy in their faces (only Earnest "bit"),

luring them with catnip (only Earnest was interested).  

Then I got a string.  Only Earnest wanted to play.


Even though posing is not their strong suit, both Earnest and Oliver are very cute.  They do actually have many redeeming qualities, one of which is entertainment value.  Yes, even when trying to take their portraits.  (I think I'll keep them!)

I'm linking up with my favorite teacher, Ms Jenny Matlock, as we work our way through the alphabet.  Please do go visit the other students, for you never know what gems you may find--humor, poignancy, information, visions of far away places, stuff you've never even dreamed of!  Check it out HERE.  You may even wish to join in yourself!  This week our letter is "K."

photos by me © 2012  all rights reserved


  1. I am trying to catch a few posts before we leave for Kansas! Our youngest son is going to college on a running scholarship. We are so proud!
    Oh I so love these precious kitties! I lost my big boy Boots March 16 2012 and I am so sad! Rose Nick's cat knows something is up! She is sleeping downstairs on a chair with a cool fan blowing her long locks! Ha Ha! She is a long hair!
    Your photos are beautiful and your petd are beautiful. They are really puurrrrrrrrfect! Hugs!

  2. You are so right! They are definitely cute! I have the worst luck photographing my pets. Bubba is afraid of the noises my camera makes so he usually runs away from me. And as for Punkie, it's so hard photographing a black cat. They always end up looking like a big blob.

    Really love the kitty pics!

  3. I know! I try to get Harry Potter during one of his cute antics and once he spies the silvery box he puts his head down and gives me this look.

  4. Ha! My Oliver is on to the sound of my camera turning on -- I have to do it in another room! Your Oliver must be like mine -- too laid back to play! Earnest looks like he's having a super time though! Love the nip all over his face!

  5. i think you got some great photos. my critters give me a lot of entertainment when i'm here working and alone for long hours. they're my co workers.

  6. Hee hee, that's our kitty secret! Don't make it easy to get photos! Our entire blog is us so let's just say that Mommy is frustrated A LOT! You boys are so handsome, you're cute just being yourself!

    Angel & Isabella

  7. My friend,
    Those cute faces need many, many kisses (smile). Thanks for sharing.

  8. Cute photos! It is hard but you got some great ones! =)

  9. Their "uncooperativeness" makes them interesting subjects!

  10. Oh my gosh! They are soooo cute! I love the first photo!

  11. oh my gosh....they are so adorable!! great!!
    I am your newest follower..pls follow back if you can.
    happy weekend!

  12. Awh, buddy shots are the best! Ours don't do that too much anymore either, but it's awful cute when they do!

  13. so sweet! keep after them. would love to see what comes next.

  14. Oooh, I miss my cat... I so agree, they are entertaining, they are always there - I love cats - damn' allergies!
    p.s. Earnest has got the most beautiful eyes

  15. You really got some great photos of Ernest! Too bad Oliver wouldn't cooperate.

  16. awww, they're adorable! better luck next time... I have the same problem.

  17. Love the pictures! It was fun to "play" with them today!

  18. So true! It's really sweet that your kitties sleep together. Great photos as always.

  19. They are so cute! I love Earnest's mismatched eyes :)

  20. Might be difficult, but seems you got a handle on it!

  21. I loved that little face full of catnip!

  22. hahaha! Yep, that seems to be the way all the critter photos go! LOL - great photos - beautiful kitties!

  23. they certainly keep you on your toes, but these pics are pawsome. You're so clever; I'm horribly jealous.

  24. I love your pictures of the kittens, they are both so cute.

  25. I LOVE your kitties! And yes - so true about taking adequate photos. I wish Sammy would "sit still", but he normally always comes up to the camera which makes for a weird shot ;-)

  26. How sweet ~ both kitties! I love Earnest's eyes ~ so pretty!
    xo Catherine

  27. What an inkredibly klever post!

    Love your kaptures!

    I think you should become a kittie portrait artist. I bet there's a demand for that!

    Thanks for linking up!



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