
Sunday, October 14, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

somewhere in Tennessee last Monday.  No, I was not the driver!   Water droplets cover the windshield as we make our way through the foggy mountains.  my favorite driving conditions.  NOT!

2 lifetime friends love to curl up next to each other in a sun puddle.

The rock is ancient, has been around for a lot of "thens."  The colored and crispy-brown leaves are new.

This praying mantis was crawling on my front door, no doubt enjoying the warm sunshine.  Not fingertips in the human sense, yet performing some of the same functions.

one item from the Fall Bucket List*: NATURE WALK
hiking on Whiteside Mountain in North Carolina  (See another photo from that hike HERE.)
*See Sarah Halstead's Fall Bucket List HERE.

This is a very fun meme hostessed by Ashley Sisk in which 5 prompts are given and one must then take a photo to illustrate each one.  Come see how others have interpreted these words HERE!  (And you'll get to see photos of Ashley's newly born baby girl!)  You have till Tuesday, October 16 at midnight EST to join in.

Next week's words are: 
1.  faceless portrait (aim for a selfie)
2.  orange or PINK in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month
3.  view from the Top
4.  cozy
5.  stacked 

photos by me © 2012    all rights reserved


  1. Wonderful photos, yes, I like, good job.

  2. You've inspired me to get busy with my Nikon. Some neat pics! I particularly like the one that you captured of the approaching rain while driving...very cool. Cherry Kay

  3. The contrast in textures and colors in the rock photo is WOW! You chose my favorite bug to photograph - I like thinking about its fingertips.

  4. I love the photo of the mantis! The kitties are adorable too :)

  5. the praying mantis is very cool... i'd say they do have fingers (perhaps not fingertips)... how were you able to get so close?

  6. That Praying Mantis photo is fantastic! He let you get so close -- or is it the zoom!!

  7. Neat faithfulness picture! My little dog loves to sleep in the sunbeam too. I like the stone steps in your nature walk photo. Autumn is a beautiful time of year to take photos.

  8. Wow, great captures! I love what you did with all of this prompts. Your kitties are too adorable for words, and I love the take on then and now.

  9. Love the Faithfulness photo :) And that's quite a closeup of the praying mantis!

  10. Fog is my most unfavorite driving condition. Even ahead of ice believe it or not! Though I would prefer driving in neither. :[
    Lovely photos ~ have a super week!
    xo Catherine

  11. Fabulous set. I enjoyed all of them very much.
    My top picks: Fingertips - Love your perspective and it's a great shot of the mantis.
    Also loved the Nature Walk and your Water shot.

  12. That first pic remind me why I love the tropics! But my fave is the kitties all curled up. Of course.

  13. The praying mantis looks like it's tip-toeing. : )


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