
Friday, October 19, 2012


I've been so captivated by the view outside my home office window the past couple days.  The brilliant sunlit leaves light up the room with a warm yellow-orangish glow.

The trees are gorgeous this year!  I love watching how the light moves through the leaves as the day wears on and the sun drops ever lower and then fades away.

at ground level here.  On the left you can see a bit of deck and under that the pink hydrangea (that I tried to change to blue with no success so far).

looking out the window again.  In the lower middle of this photo you can see the beginning of a path into the woods.  Along the bottom on the right is the deck railing with tomato plants reaching for the last little bit of sunlight.  (Yes, still getting a few small tomatoes!  I won't take out the plants till the very last second.)

Birds seem to fill the air at this time of year.

The clouds provide an everchanging panoply of pageantry as well.

I'm linking up with my favorite teacher, Ms Jenny Matlock, as we work our way through the alphabet.  Please do go visit the other students, for you never know what gems you may find--humor, poignancy, information, visions of far away places, stuff you've never even dreamed of!  Check it out HERE.  You may even wish to join in yourself!  This week our letter is "V."  

I'm also linking up with Skywatch Friday hosted by Wren, fishing guy, Sylvia, Klaus, and Sandy.  Come join us in this awesome meme, link up, and meet folks from all over the globe

photos by me © 2012 all rights reserved


  1. Great autumn photos. So very beautiful! Our trees haven't changed colors yet, and when they do, it's only for a little bit. {:-D

  2. The colors are just amazing! I love driving around see all the different colors :)

  3. I would love to have this view too! So pretty to see and just to dream :-)

  4. Beautiful pictures, beautiful autumn landscape.

  5. That scene is something we in this country is not privileged to have. We only have 2 seasons, the dry and the wet. And my foreign travels, i wonder why, are always timed for spring, so I haven't walked barefoot on fallen leaves yet. That is still in my dream!

  6. So beautiful! Our fall here in Calgary only lasts a few weeks. I miss a real autumn. Thank you for sharing!

  7. Gorgeous colours you have in your part of the world. Out here we are pretty much surrounded by green and gold and I miss the red. I don't blame you for hanging onto those tomato plants until the very last second - too good to give up!

  8. For me, the melancholy that comes with autumn can be offset with the blue of that sky. It is of an intensity found at no other time. (an office with a view can be very distracting.)

  9. Just gorgeous! I love fall colors. Thanks for sharing a little part of your world with us.

  10. Gorgeous and lovely!

  11. That's an impressive view! Love all the shades of orange and yellow. Yes, plenty of birds flying about (which I love)!

  12. re what to make with friend Joyce made a quilt from the golf towels her Dad used. also a quilt made from his ties. I have made tshirt quilts from our children's high school and college tees. another friend had a 3-d teddy bear made from some wool that was a coat of her mother's. maybe the textile itself speaks to you in terms of what to make. whatever you do, be sure to post pix!
    thanks for stopping by.

  13. Beautiful photos! I love the colors of fall.

  14. Beautiful autumn pictures although it's not my favorite season it's the beginning of dark days and winter time. If I was a bear I would go to sleep in a cavern by now !

  15. Gorgeous autumn pictures! Thanks for sharing!!

  16. The trees are beautiful this time of year! What a view you have of all of autumn's splendor! Thanks for stopping by!

  17. Beautiful colors! I have a few trees I can look at from my office, but not like these - wonderful, although a little distracting ;)

  18. What a wonderful colored leaves! I would be looking out the window a lot at your house.

  19. Your trees look like the ones from our area in the Ozarks! Beautiful photos!

  20. Wow! These are beautiful! I love the fall foliage.

  21. Be still my heart.

    These views are the ones my heart still craves...years and years after I've moved to a climate that doesn't offer them.

    Thank you.

    You brought back so many memories of long ago autumns.

    And this was a loVely, loVely link to the letter "V".



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