
Sunday, November 4, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

a long abandoned birds' nest in a hawthorn tree.  The wild birds have flown to more Southern climes.


at the entrance to an apartment complex (near the bike path)

This bike path follows an old railway line and is close to the Little Miami Scenic River.  Most of the trail is in the Little Miami State Park.  75 miles long, the trail travels through 5 counties.  It connects to 4 other trails.  In 2008 it was the longest paved trail in the US.  (I don't have current statistics.)
(PS:  I live in the Cincinnati, Ohio area.)

Scarlet leafed trees almost glow against the green grass and the blue (ish) sky!  These trees are next to the bike path.  See it?

a classic scene this time of year--bare branched trees silhouetted against a blue sky dotted with clouds

Little Miami Scenic Bike Trail MAP
Loveland Bike Trail 
Miami Valley Trails


This is a very fun meme hostessed by Ashley Sisk in which 5 prompts are given and one must then take a photo to illustrate each one.  Come see how others have interpreted these words HERE!  You have till Tuesday, October 30 at midnight EST to join in.

Next week's words are: 

  1. Nature
  2. Vintage or Retro
  3. Whimsical
  4. Cooking
  5. Week’s Best
photos by me © 2012    all rights reserved
All these photos were taken today!


  1. Margaret - I had to look where you're located. My husband and I are bikers and this looks like a dream path. Beautiful views in these shots!

  2. That bike trail is divine and what I wouldn't give to have access to the 'adventure' location - gorgeous! Very enjoyable set with this week's words.

  3. Beautiful photos! What great responses to the words!

  4. Hi Margaret, the bike path caught my eye it looked familiar to me. Then I read where it is I know why now. I live in Dayton,Ohio nice shot

  5. Love your photos. That bike path is nice, I love long networked paths. And I love your two tree pictures.

  6. Your "vibrant" photo is just stunning! I love seeing the green grass and flowers here today :)

  7. All your tree photos are fabulous! And the pumpkins do looking inviting sitting against that brick wall!

  8. You've collected a great set of images! Each one so beautiful! My favorite would be the last tree shot! I love that gorgeous silhouette against the cloudy sky!

  9. I love your fall pictures! Our leaves are now down and the place looks so bare. I suppose it's waiting for snow.

  10. I love your photos! "Adventure" is my favorite. Lovely!

  11. You did a great job capturing fall beauty! I love the leading line composition for adventure.

  12. Wonderful images for this week's challenges. I used to live in the Cincinnati/Northern KY area but never made it to the Little Miami Park. Thanks for sharing such great shots.

  13. Great images for this week's Scavenger Hunt. O love seeing how different bloggers interpret the prompts.

  14. Love the "adventure" picture. I can imagine the possibilities...


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