
Thursday, November 8, 2012


In May and June 2011, we re-nested 3 baby barred owls in our backyard.  This is the first owl, named Barry by the neighborhood children.
Read about Barry HERE.

In June 2011 we watched a robin build a nest and lay eggs.  One baby hatched.  See the baby's development HERE.

While driving in Kootenay National Park in Canada this Summer, we saw a mama and a baby moose blithely eating vegetation by the side of the road.

Tigra and Edward Bunk as babies.  (my daughter's kitties)

I'm linking up with my favorite teacher, Ms Jenny Matlock, as we work our way through the alphabet.  Please do go visit the other students, for you never know what gems you may find--humor, poignancy, information, visions of far away places, stuff you've never even dreamed of!  Check it out HERE.  You may even wish to join in yourself!  This week our letter is "Y." 

photos by me © 2011 and 2012    all rights reserved
kitty photo by Cara Freije © 2009  all rights reserved


  1. Lovely "young babies"! How fun to be able to see the little owl and little robin in their nests. And sweet moose and kittens too!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    I am still visiting our daughter, son in law, and grand baby, but wanted to be sure to get some Alphabe-Thursday visits in :o)

  2. Oh my goodness...that baby bird is sooo cute. Young...good g word.

  3. I love the baby robin screaming while holding on to it's brothers/!
    And the baby moose is so cute :)

  4. There's just nothing cuter than a baby... anything!! I have a "thing" for moose and love your pic - what a great sighting!

  5. Oh my those pictures are all adorable! You got some great captures. Of course nothing makes me happier than kitties in a basket.

  6. I love all the youngins! That robin is a very young baby!

  7. Oh man this was a cute post!!! That baby owl??? Too cute for words!

  8. How sweet! Furry and feathered friends ~ I love it!
    Wishing you a beautiful weekend!
    xo Catherine

  9. What a fun Y post - young is a great choice and your photos are adorable.

    Thanks for visiting my Alphabe- Thursday - mine for letter 'Y' @ ImagesByCW is about yellow

  10. What a clever choice for Y, and boy, do you have the pictures to back it up!


  11. What a sweet choice for Y ! the little baby owl is my favorite !

  12. these are delightful -- and so sweet.

  13. Oh, what sweet babies! I should bookmark this page and come back for a visit any time I need to lift my spirits.

  14. I could hear Joan Baez singing, "Forever Young" in my ear as I read this.

    What a wonderfull charming post for the letter 'Y'.



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