
Monday, November 26, 2012

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

I am thankful for many, many things, for I've been richly blessed in my life.  
Waldorf salad is a dish we serve only at Thanksgiving.  This salad was a Thanksgiving tradition in my family when I was growing up and I've carried it on through the years.  It reminds me of times past and of people no longer with us.  I am thankful that my children and their significant others were gathered 'round this Thanksgiving and that we had so much fun together.

My daughter and I cooked up a storm!  literally!  We made a variety of truffles, sticky buns, nut cookies (above), and pastel cream wafers.  This was, of course, in addition to the amazing amount of dishes made for the Thanksgiving feast itself-- cooked by me, my daughter, and my daughter's boyfriend.  I should add here that my son cooked us a delicious Mexican feast Sunday night.


kitties who came to play--Tigra and Bunkie, my daughter's kitties, had quite an adventurous time with places to explore and resident cats to contend with.  I made all 4 cats catnip toys--pieces of sweater stuffed completely with catnip.  Oh the flipping and flopping!  the chewing and kicking!  These were the most fun ever!  We found that they all liked playing with small branches, too.  Who knew?!  

Shingleback sparkling shiraz from Mclaren Vale.   mmmm!  This was imbibed while making some of the above cookies.

My husband, daughter, and I visited the Cincinnati Art Museum on Saturday.  I liked these lit-up trees against the frosted backdrop of bare-branched trees and the reflection in the mirrored panel on the right.  The inside trees glow with warmth and cheer in contrast to their surroundings.  serenity.

This is a very fun meme hostessed by Ashley Sisk in which 5 prompts are given and one must then take a photo to illustrate each one.  Come see how others have interpreted these words HERE!  You have till Tuesday, November 27 at midnight EST to join in.
Next week's words are: 
  1. Missing
  2. Numbers
  3. Purple
  4. Music
  5. Bracelet
photos by me © 2012    all rights reserved


  1. Very nice set.
    Those truffles look divine! I bet they are all gone now, huh?
    Great job this week!

  2. Love your nut cookie shot (they look exactly like date ball cookies we make every year in memory of my mom... she always made them at Christmas time!)... and your tree shot is SO pretty! love!

  3. all that food looks delicious! I love Waldorf salad! {:-D

  4. that salad looks pawsome. And meow to Tigra and Bunkie!

  5. Beautiful photos! Sounds like you had a wonderful Thanksgiving.

  6. So nice your entire family was there on Thanksgiving! I love Waldorf salad!
    Oooh, the kitties are too sweet. Yes, mine love playing with branches too! You're lucky all four of them got along or maybe it was the catnip that did the trick ;-)

  7. Those cookies look so good! The cat couple is the cutest! Glad you had a nice Thanksgiving!

  8. Yum, I love Waldorf salad -- it's really the only time I like celery! I need to make it soon -- it's not just for Thanksgiving for me! The cookies look yummy too! And of course, the kitties are adorable! Our outside ones like to play with fallen branches -- maybe I'll bring one inside for Oliver too!

  9. That looks like you had such a fun time!! I'm glad all kitties got along. It looks like you all cooked up a storm!

  10. All of the food looks delicious! How fun to have extra kitties in the house, especially such playful ones.


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