
Thursday, November 29, 2012

3 Boys and a Girl

Oliver and Earnest are the resident cats.

Tigra and Bunkie came to play at Thanksgivingtime. 

Even though they met a few years ago when Tigra and Bunkie were 3 months old, they were a bit wary of each other at first.  However, they did provide mutal entertainment.  There's nothing like something new going on to captivate a cat! 

They bonded over all the cool toys provided like these wonderful little branches.  (Do you know how difficult it is to photograph a black cat who is constantly in motion?!)  Here Edward Bunk is intent upon capturing the stick. 

The red puff ball is momentarily forgotten as the waving stick comes into view.

=^..^=      =^..^=         =^..^=      
We gave them catnip, special treats (like tuna), and even made them toys out of rectangles of old sweater sewn together and filled with catnip. 
=^..^=         =^..^=         =^..^=

The 5½ days that Tigra and Bunkie were visiting were so much fun.  After they left, the resident cats spent their day in recovery!
They lay in the glorious sun resting and napping.

Alphabe-Thursday is so much fun!  Round 6 has barely begun.  This week our letter is "B."  I hope you can find all the Bs in this post.  Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun!

photos by me © 2012


  1. My cat pics never turn out nearly as well as these! They're awesome! We have 3 boys and a girl.

    Found you via Alphabe-Thursday :)

  2. Love your pictures! I bet that was fun! I am currently house sitting, and there are two purring cats. Fun!

  3. We think all your photos are purrfect! What fun to have visitor kitties! Sticks are a favorite toy around here too!

  4. Wonderful photographic studies - such well mannered subjects too:o)!

  5. I didn't realize that the visiting cats were there for 5+ whole days. That's so nice that everyone got along. I love how the sun is shining in! {:-D

  6. LOVE cats and great photos! Unfortunately we're allergic so wound up with our first dog ever, a poodle. I never thought I'd be a dog person. I think at heart I'm really a cat.

  7. They're all gorgeous kitties! Lucky you to be able to cuddle with a couple more for a while!

  8. Ha, 'recovery'. Reminds me of our dog after her friends visit. She passes out!

  9. What lucky cats, looks like they all had fun, adorable pictures!

  10. Glad to see everyone got along! Our kitties love pom poms too!

  11. I'm glad that they got along so well! Toys are such a great way for new cats to bond.

  12. They're all so cute! I'm glad they got along. Nip always helps :)

  13. how fun is that to have kitties come to visit!

  14. Margaret, all your photos are wonderful, but that first one is most definitely a work of art in the truest sense! Brava!

  15. I love the photos! Our youngest son has a cat, Rose and we care for her while he is away at college! Cats are mysterious creatures. We lost Boots this past March. I will never stop mourning for him. He was a dear friend and he cared for me very much. Always at my side when I was not feeling well. A terrific pet. I would love to find a cat like him and am unsure if one exists!
    Have a beautiful weekend and thanks for this share. I smiled a lot here!

  16. Looks like they had fun, and great companies! Love your photos!

  17. And they are pals? How wonderfully sweet!

  18. Such a Beautiful family...

    Brilliant post for the letter B...

    Thanks for linking.


  19. Of all the photos I could see, cat's playing are my favorites! That black cat looks just like my Punkie.

  20. Oh, I love these sweet pictures of your kitties :)
    Sammy doesn't play much with the toys I've bought him - he likes "playing" with things that aren't really a toy ;-)
    On the other hand Molly is really playful!! She's happy with a ball, a stick, feathers... :)

  21. Cats are hard subjects to photograph, especially active ones and your photos are awesome! Such lovely felines.

  22. These kitties have such a wonderful life and great companies to entertain them. I love that last photo!


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