
Saturday, December 8, 2012

chamois, tie dye style

A box of colorful tie dyed chamois awaits transportation to  Kast-A-Way Swimwear where they will be sold to swimmers and divers all over the country.

A lovely pile of assorted rubber bands awaits sorting before fulfilling their job of holding tied chamois together.

Oliver hopefully awaits any excitement that may happen.

Earnest awaits the joy of playing in an empty box.  (He loves boxes so!)

A basket of tied chamois awaits eventual dyeing.


a few of the tie dye patterns 
and flags being processed.  (Here is one of my chamois towels on Springboards and More.)

Alphabe-Thursday is so much fun!  Round 6 has barely begun.  This week our letter is "C."  Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun!

photos by me © 2012


  1. Stunning happy colors! My cat loves empty boxes too (not to mention fabric loose ends and strings too with which she plays "catch the Snake")

  2. Wow what a shipment! those are some great tie dye!

  3. These turn out so great! What a fun process!

  4. Beautiful! Great job (as always!) on the tie dye! Hope the kitties had fun with the box. ;-)

  5. I love your tie dye. And Oliver and Earnest are so adorable!!!!

  6. So many pretty colors and so creative!!

  7. Great "C" word post, Margaret. I don't know which I liked better, reading about your neat cats or doing the tie-dying. I didn't know that people still tie-dyed. It is nice that you have a market for yours. They are soooo pretty with all the colors you did.

  8. Nice picture, exquisite compositions, I like the colors. Excellent.

  9. darling chamois! our girls were swimmer back in the day and would have loved these.

  10. Oh but this post made me smile!! The box of rubber bands, the beautiful works of art and of course, Oliver and Earnest!!
    Bless you!

  11. Those are beautiful colors chamois, and I love that shot of the rubber bands..

  12. How neat!! I always love seeing pics of your progress:)

  13. Thw chamois is so pretty once it is dyed!!

  14. I love your pictures. So colourful!

  15. I just love all the various patterns of your tie-dyed chamois!
    And I love your kitties. Sammy doesn't like boxes though - I believe he still carries a trauma (maybe he was trapped in one) from before we rescued him...
    Your flags are wonderful!


  16. that first picture is so bright and pretty

  17. I love your work! I can hardly wait for Christmas to give our Grandlittle the hair scrunchies. They are just delicious!

    Thanks for sharing your chamois with us, too. I didn't even know swimmers used them!


  18. This was such a fun post! I enjoyed seeing a few peeks behind the process, and of course your kitty helpers are great.


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