
Thursday, June 6, 2013

cats...sleeping pose expertise

in which two cats demonstrate their sleeping pose expertise...
Oliver loves to sleep in his "dragon" pose.

Stretching out on the comfy corkboard is wonderful, too!

aaaaahhh....sun puddle snoozing 

Curling up on the pink towel that Earnest was wrapped in on his last day is a great way to remember his best buddy. 

One of Earnest's favorite spots was that lovely corkboard.

What is better than napping away on the stairs?!

so as not to miss any excitement (should any occur!)

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter is "C." Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun! 

photos by me © 2009-2013 all rights reserved


  1. I love calling that one dragon pose! My boy dog loves sleeping on his front paws so you can't see them at all. I call this "dog worm," but dragon sounds much more dignified. I'm emailing a link to my sister because I think she'll love this!

  2. such sweet pictures of the sleeping kitties!!

  3. Love these pictures! I think cats can get comfy anywhere! My daughter has a cat that used to sleep on top of the TV (back when they were the big "tube" type. After a while she would fall off the back of it.

  4. I wish I could relax like a cat! :))

  5. We joke about our cat sleeping in a position similar to a thanksgiving turkey.

  6. yawn! those shots made me want to take a nap...

  7. To be able to sleep like a cat. I wish!

  8. Kitties are the best sleepers -- I love the curled up, upside down head position! The dragon pose is a great one too -- I don't think I've seen my Oliver in that one!

  9. They are quite entertaining in their poses! Mine loves to sleep draped over my right shoulder. But only when I am on the computer!

  10. my dog can sleep like your cats!

  11. I've seen all those sleeping positions except the dragon one. Doesn't look comfy but he was zonked out! All the photos are beyond adorable! We miss Earnest!

  12. Cute!!!! Cozy too, purr-fectly fun post.

  13. Too awesome! We call the arms out sleeping pose the diver. The stairs are a popular sleeping place for our little guys.

  14. I love a good sun puddle, too. And I'm sorry to hear about your sweet Earnest.

  15. Each pose is adorable. I could look at them forever! Love the dragon pose :)
    Sammy's favourite sleeping pose is on his back!

  16. Awww...SO cute! Thanks for sharing and have a great weekend.

    Hugs to you!

  17. Love that dragon pose!

    Cute kitties.


  18. I not only love the pictures of the cats, I love the your commentary under each of them. Did Earnest go the other side of the rainbow? Peace, dear, Earnest.

  19. First, may I just say what handsome fellows Oliver and Ernest are! And, that dragon pose is just super!

  20. I LOVE, LOVE photos of kitties! I have two of my own and they are so dear to me. And look at those pink paw cute! Awesome photos. :)

  21. Aw . . . I think I will take their lead . . . yawn . . . . . a nap seems to be in order!

  22. Dramatic sleepers all♫ Am catching up, been on C effort:

  23. I have never seen the 'dragon' pose before. Banjo quite often does the 'bear skin rug' pose. ;)
    xo Catherine

  24. Cats are so cute when they are all comfy and cozy.

    I love the clever name for the first pose!

    Thanks for linking to the letter "C"!


  25. What a cutie!!! Love the pics!


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