
Sunday, June 9, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

a stack of dishes in a cabinet

I love green.  But I love blue, too.  After taking photos of a number of things, this is the one that made my post.  It is an echinacea flower bud.  (I started echinaceas a long time ago from seed and have kept these plants and their progeny for many years.)

It was to the archives for this one, taken during a hike on Whiteside Mountain near Highlands, NC, in October, 2012.  (There's even a tiny rainbow--middle left.)

Have you ever tried to get a cat to pose?  yeah, right!  I tried enticing Oliver with several things.  Was he interested?  Did he hold still?  It was finally the screwdriver that captivated him.  See, he's intently reaching for it.

Flower pollen is very sticky.  

Thank you, Linda, for encouraging me to post this week!  Linda just participated in SHS for the first time!

This is a very fun meme hostessed by Ashley Sisk in which 5 prompts are given and one must then take a photo to illustrate each one.  Come see how others have interpreted these words HERE!  You have till Tuesday, June 11 at midnight EST to join in.
Next week's words are:  

  1. Summer
  2. Dance
  3. Laughter
  4. Helper
  5. Water

photos by me © 2013    all rights reserved


  1. Cats seem very persnickety about posing when there is a camera around.
    xo Catherine

  2. Your kitty looks like he has a mustache and goatee! Cute! Love the green and the sun flare!

  3. Oliver's expression is so cute :) I know what you mean, my kitties don't pose either!
    The echinacea plant is beautiful!

  4. Oliver is so darn his green eyes :)
    And I love your "Sticky" photo this week...great macro!

  5. Angel isn't one for posing either. Gorgeous flower photos! How neat to keep those same plants going for so many years.

  6. Great set. I really liked your Favorite Color shot and the Sun Flare.
    Also thought kitty was just so cute, he does look like he has a goatee.
    Sticky was really pretty, I love lilies.

  7. Oliver is such a handsome Mancat! Love his sweet little nose and gorgeous eyes! Great photos this week!

  8. I love your cats expression. I wrote a comment a couple minutes ago but I think my mobile phone isn't quite letting me really leave a comment but we will see if this goes thru.

  9. Aww...your cat is precious :) Thanks for sharing!

    Have a beautiful week!

  10. Wow, your subjects are so very similar to mine . . . green is my favourite colour too. Oliver is gorgeous.

  11. Love all your shots! Especially the sticky flower pollen. One day Oliver will cooperate ;) Thanks for the shout out!! This has been very enjoyable. I will do it again!!

  12. Glad to see you playing along. I have a hard time not doing this each week. I like that sunflare image-gorgeous. As for Oliver...he looks about as helpful as my cat is being right now. Do they think you can see a computer screen when they're standing between it and your face?

  13. Oooohh your sun flare shot is so dreamy!!! I love all the dishes stacked up too!


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