
Wednesday, June 12, 2013

luscious strawberries

fresh picked luscious ripe organic strawberries from Finn Meadows Farm.

The Farm:
∎ Finn Meadows Farm 
∎ Finn Meadows Farm blog--these stories may be incorporated into a book one day

Why organic?
∎ short blurb about organic/pesticided strawberries by Stonyfield Farm
∎ Mother Jones' article about organic strawberries 
chart--Enviromental Working Group's annual list of the "Dirty Dozen Plus" and the "Clean Fifteen"--the worst and safest fruits and vegetables to eat as far as pesticides go--Scroll down the page to see the list.

Wordless Wednesday--where I linked up:

The Art and Tree Chatter of Aquariann


photo by me © 2012  all rights reserved


  1. Mmmmm! We got some strawberries from the farmer's market over the weekend.

  2. Love strawberries! I will be in California next week, on the coast where they grow strawberries! Planning on eating a few!! :)

  3. Great reminder that strawberries (or "star-ships" - as my two year old calls them!) are soon to be had up here in Vancouver too! Enjoy!

    Popping over from the EBT too...

  4. Those look absolutely delish! Enjoy!!!

    Oh! I also wanted to let you know about my new blog! It is a travel blog that me & my boyfriend, Justin are working on - - check it out if you get the chance! Thanks! :)


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