
Friday, August 2, 2013

Beach Planter: a Challenge

My Blogging Business Artisans team sets forth a new Challenge every month.  The purpose is to encourage us to explore our creativity, to stretch our imaginations.  Perhaps we are re-working something we've done in the past or still do.  Perhaps we're making something entirely new.
Sarah of Magnolia Surprise gaves us this Challenge for the month of July: 

 "We are into vacation season in July -- create something that brings back a favorite vacation memory, something that represents a place you've visited or one you'd like to visit, colors or scents associated with a special place, or perhaps something funny that happened on a vacation. Make it fun!!" 


I love the beach!  My family vacationed at several East Coast beaches when I was growing up.  I loved to roll in the hot sand and then plunge into the cooling waters.  Going to the beach meant long days playing in the waves and in the evenings, walking the boardwalk.   bright hot days and cool breezy nights.   aaaahhhh!

my cute brother

I still love the beach.  My husband and I have been privileged to travel to several over the years.  Kauai was a favorite place we visited.  

Secret Beach

I collected a few items from the beaches of Kauai--shells, sea glass, rocks, coral (washed up on the shore, of course), driftwood.  I decided to place these items in a beachy sand planter with a few succulents.

Note the rolled up beach blanket.  The plants will grow larger and fill in.  Still, I may want to add a taller plant.

BBA's list of monthly Challenges
Linky Party for the July Challenge 
August's Challenge  

photos by me © 2006 and 2013  all rights reserved


  1. Very cute! Especially the blanket!

  2. Great way to display your shells! Those in the middle look like black and white beach umbrellas! And, yeah, the beach blanket is a fun addition!

  3. Your own mini-beach! Love the tiny beach towel and beautiful shells. Great response to this month's challenge!

  4. What a fun idea! I usually tend to pick up things on the beach, but then never know what to do with them. This is a great way to put them on display!

  5. cute idea. I have a bathroom that is decorated with a lighthouse motif. Your little planter would do good in there . . . except for little grandkid fingers in the sand!

  6. That is really neat! What a great way to create a special memory.


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