
Thursday, August 1, 2013

Krohn Conservatory

Krohn Conservatory showcases more than 3,500 plant species from all over the world within its glass walls.  The palm, tropical, desert, bonsai, and orchid houses exhibit permanent displays of exotic plants in natural settings, complete with a 20 foot rainforest waterfall.  The floral display area changes throughout the year.  This is where the annual Butterfly Show is held.  Thousands of butterflies are released to fly freely within the Conservatory's showroom, feasting on flower nectar while countless visitors watch and interact in delight.

Here are some photos from the Conservatory and the Butterflies of Morocco Show this year...

a young girl is excited to have captured a butterfly!


I wish I knew what variety these butterflies are.  I've spent time searching online but have come to no conclusions.  If anyone does know, please tell me!

Desert Room blooming cactus  (Many varieties of cacti and succulents are found here.)

bonsai tree (The conservatory has a collection of trees from the conservatory itself, the Bonsai Society of Greater Cincinnati, and private individuals.)

orchids (There are approximately 75 blooming orchids at any time from the conservatory's collection of thousands of orchids encompassing 17 genera.)

Epiphytic bromeliads, orchids, and ferns grow on many of the trees.

part of the goldfish stream in the Palm Room

the waterfall

Palm Room (There are a variety of palm trees, a banana tree, rubber trees, shrubby plants and ground covers.  Just beyond this scene is a 20 foot waterfall.)

In the Tropical Room there are many varieties of ferns, cycads, bromeliads, and begonias.  There are also a cacao tree, pomegrante tree, vanilla vine, and a dwarf banana tree.

The outside areas are filled with trees, shrubs, and flowers.

Last week I showed you a photo of a butterfly attached to a girl's nose HERE.  next week, more butterflies and another "nose photo!"

Krohn Conservatory 
my blog posts:
a butterfly lands on her nose --1st photo
a young boy holds a butterfly --3rd photo
hands   --the 1st photo is one of my favorites

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter is "K." Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun! 


photos by me © 2011 and 2013   all rights reserved
(Only the cactus photo is from 2010.  The rest were taken this year.)


  1. What a beautiful place! I could spend days and days there! The waterfall is fabulous!

  2. That's a gorgeous place! The butterflies are beautiful! I love the picture of the waterfall!

  3. What a beautiful place to snap so many excellent pix! Great "K" essay for Alphabe-Thursday!


  4. Oh wow! So many beautiful things to see there! The butterflies are so gorgeous! I could spend all day there!

  5. Stunning! Great set of photos. I would love to visit sometime.

  6. Spectacular! I love butterfly houses! And all the plants! Hubby and I used to stroll often in a large outdoor garden in La Canada, CA when we lived there. It was awesome!

  7. Wow, so beautiful. Thank you for sharing and for stopping by We have a linky party on Thursday. Please come and join us if you have time. Have a great weekend!

  8. So many wow moments in this post!

  9. so many different kinds of butterflies. And the tropical plants are so exotic - at least to me! What a great display of flowers. There's a house around the corner that always has such a colorful display too. And it's up for sale! {:-D

  10. Perfect post for K and fantastic macro photography ~ Wow! ~ Happy Weekend to you.

  11. This was one of my favorite places in Eden Park to visit when I was a kid. I didn't remember it had the name Krohn, I think we just called it the flower conservatory. They also didn't have butterflies way back then, but I'll never forget the waterfall & rainforest areas. Is the petrified tree ring still out front?

  12. Wow, what a beautiful place! I love all the butterflies and the beautiful flowers!

  13. How lovely! It must be a wonderful place to go when the weather begins to turn nasty - to visit a little bit of summer.

  14. A beautiful bounty of photographs! I would love to take a trip and see that one day. How fun it would be to go "catch" butterflies with our grandbaby.

    Blessings & Aloha!
    I am catching up with "K" posts! Yay! Please stop by if you have a chance.

  15. This looks like such a kool place to go...

    Next time I am in OH I have to visit here!

    Sending a kiss your way for such a killer "K" post!

    Thanks for linking.



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