
Thursday, August 22, 2013

Professional Napper

in which Oliver shows off his skill...

(Yes, these are the kitchen chairs I am currently attempting to upholster.)



(Oliver and Earnest over a year ago.)
QUESTIONS:  Are there any places left in your abode in which you have not yet napped?  How important is napping with your toys?

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter is "N." Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun! 

photos by me © 2012 and 2013   all rights reserved


  1. I think your Oliver and my Oliver are neck and neck in the napping race! I love the leg hanging over the chair cushion! I only nap on the couch while watching TV through closed eyes -- Oliver has a new favorite place about once a week!

  2. hahaha

    I think I could give Oliver a run for his nap-taking money!


  3. Aren't cats amazing?! Their napping ability is definitely an Olympic 10. Love the photos.

  4. Always love good kitty pics! and these are adorable

  5. He's definitely quite skilled... lol

  6. I've never napped in the bathtub - a dangerous place to nod off... {:-D

  7. It's a cats life isn't it?
    Thanks for the big end-of-the-week pre-dinner smile :-)

  8. What a total cutie! I just want to jump in the pictures and cuddle with him!
    Love the picture of Oliver and Earnest...what a great keepsake.

  9. Oh, I can't get enough of Oliver's adorable face! Cute, cute, cute photos!
    Sammy naps all over the place, but especially on top of my house slippers :)

  10. I wouldn't mind being a professional napper myself.

  11. What a purrfessional! Love that flat out on the carpet pose.

  12. Cats are the best nappers! Oliver is too adorable. Great set of photos.

  13. Bet I could give him a run for his money.

  14. Oh, my goodness, what a cutie! I love the one where it seems as if his face is jutting forward--I kept staring at it wondering how he could be comfortable. So cute.

  15. Oliver's pose as a labrador with his body stretched out and his paws curled up under him is just how Target sprawls too. pawsome pics. We're featuring you and this post on

  16. Cuties! I think I would make a pretty good professional napper too :-)

  17. All kitties seem to be expert nappers. It must be pure instinct. Banjo even naps on the bathroom floor. I do not think there is a spot in the house that he hasn't napped on. LOL! Toys, clothes, books...he doesn't care what he naps with. ;)
    xo Catherine

  18. Looks very familiar to me ! I have four professional nappers ! Even the microwave has been used !

  19. Napper would be quite a career to have! Cute kitties. ^.^

    ♥ aquariann
    Featured Photo: Orange Begonia Flower

  20. Looks like Oliver is quite the nifty napper...

    He looks like he is having very nice time though lounging around everywhere!

    Neat post for the letter "N"!

    Thanks for linking.


  21. hahaha! So cute! I love to nap, but no way do I look any where near as cute as your Oliver and Earnest!!

    Blessings & Aloha!
    I am late my blog visits! but happy to be here.


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