
Thursday, October 17, 2013

Roadside Views

When traveling, I like to take photos from the moving car-- "drive by shootings."  This way I can remember the flavor of a place not just the special views.
I offer you a few from my recent trip to the Canadian Rockies in early September this year.  
Oh, and by the way, just in case you were wondering, I'm NOT driving at the time!

along the Icefields Parkway

Oh the colors!   Isn't the sky magnificent?  See the Athabasca Glacier on the far right side in the middle.

 mountains and sky--how glorious!

 That's me, taking a photo.

Icefields Parkway
Parks Canada
Athabasca Glacier --my POST on my hike up to this glacier in 2012 with lots of photos

(just for fun--last year at almost the exact same date, we were on the letter V.  HERE's my post from then.  Sadly, the trees are not nearly as beautiful this year.)

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter is "V." Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun! 

I'm also linking up with SkyWatch Friday 
Come join us in this awesome meme, link up, and meet folks from all over the globe!  Skywatch Friday is hosted by Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.

photos by me © 2013   all rights reserved


    I'm glad that you were a passenger... :p

  2. your on the go photos look better than mine with a tripod!

    i need to go there and soon...

    1. LOL! I'm only showing the decent ones. Most are awful!

  3. Such a great idea to take pictures along the way! This trip looks amazing! Now how far is the park from Pennsylvania haha?

    New follower from the etsy blog team :)

  4. Oh, wow! I have family in Alberta, but I've never been to visit! This looks amazing.

  5. What a divine highway. Just look at those views of the sky and mountains. Awesome scenes. genie

  6. Lovely pics! I too love to take pics on the road, but doesn't happen because I am the only one driving all the time!

  7. Wow now that's a view Great shots!

  8. It looks almost too beautiful to be real! Love the last photo!

  9. Lovely sunburst in that last shot! Beautiful mountains... would love seeing that every day.

  10. These are incredible shots! I like the last one a lot with your reflection in the rear view mirror and the big sunburst!

  11. What magnificent shots!

  12. Beautiful! I can almost smell the clean, fresh air!

  13. BEAUTIFUL! I think I get more excited by mountains than any other geographical feature, just because we don't have them here in the Midwest.

  14. I love all the different terrain and colors in the first couple shots! And your reflection shot is great :)

  15. wow! such incredible beauty! your selfie reminds me of me in the car - (when my husband is driving).
    this scenery is so awesome it's almost hard to believe!

  16. Once again, I've been there! I thought about you today when I was writing my post. Your vacation photos are so wonderful and sooooo perfect. I always love seeing them. When you read my post, you'll understand why I'm telling you this. Hahahahaha!

  17. Gorgeous views of the mountains and the glaciers! Beautiful photos, thanks for sharing your trip!

  18. Your drive-bys are gorgeous. What a stunning landscape. I like the self-portrait with sun flair.

  19. Wow! What spectacular photos! Thanks for sharing!!!

  20. Some nice pictures! Excellent landscape with mountains in the background!

  21. Isn't driving through the rockies beautiful?
    xo Catherine

  22. Gorgeous shots! I do the same thing, and I have gotten some really good photos clicking from the windows of our car.


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