
Sunday, October 20, 2013

Scavenger Hunt Sunday

Oliver peeks at me slanty-eyed hoping I won't disturb his sun puddle napping.

Nasturtiums spill over the edge of a ceramic pot on my deck.

I got a "smart" phone earlier this year.  I still have a lot to learn.  Recently I got the instagram app, and what fun that is!  I still have a lot to learn.  My daughter (the wine rep) installed the delectable app which tracks wine you like and does so many amazing things.  I still have pretty much everything to learn about that.  so much technology!  so many ways to connect!  But still, how connected are we?  What about simply enjoying nature and talking (by mouth!) to family and friends?  

still life:  a little snap of a detail of one of my terrariums.  The tiny mushrooms are fun and glow in the dark.  I got them on etsy HERE.  Usually the photos I post are straight out of the camera.  For this one I had fun playing with some editing on picmonkey.

On Friday evening, a few family members came over for dinner.  My son's girlfriend brought me these lovely flowers.  (I did a little editing on this one, too.)


This is a very fun meme hostessed by Ashley Sisk in which 5 prompts are given and one must then take a photo to illustrate each one.  Come see how others have interpreted these words HERE
Next week's words are:   

  1. Change
  2. Your Mood Today
  3. Dark
  4. Welcome
  5. Depth of Field

photos by me (taken today!) © 2013  all rights reserved


  1. Oliver is a sneaky watcher! I agree about smart technology - sometimes, you just have to turn it off and go outside.

  2. What fun! Oliver is so cute guarding his sun puddle! How nice that she brought you flowers. =)

  3. Wonderful set. Loved Oliver, he's just so cute.
    Great leafy shot. I love those plants.
    What pretty flowers you received.

  4. Wonderful shots! Oliver looks so sweet napping in the sun puddle :)
    The tiny mushrooms are cute!

  5. Oliver is soooo handsome! Have Pinned him!

  6. Great shots, Oliver is so cute in his little sun puddle!! I know what you mean about still having a lot to learn about the smart phone... I do too, my daughter is always pointing out things that I didn't know! lol!

  7. Is there anything more relaxing that watching a kitty nap in the sunshine? Nope, I think not. Cute!
    Enjoy your new smartphone!
    xo Catherine

  8. Oliver is so darn cute :) And the flowers are just so pretty!

  9. I would have "disturbed" him by giving him some pets. Cute kitty. Like the processing on the flowers shot-lovely.

    I guess it is good to know I am not the only one having issues with blogger....seriously considering moving back to WordPress. I started out there but left because they don't support Java and it was very difficult to join in any blog hop linkys. I got tired of taking ten minutes just to get a linky to work...

  10. Lovely photos. Your terrarium shot is so interesting...especially now that I know there are mushrooms that glow in the dark. My kids would LOVE those! Will check out your link. Thanks!

  11. Beautiful pictures. I love your little toadstools


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