
Thursday, January 23, 2014


January has been mostly cold and snowy, but thankfully sunnier than usual overall.  Here are a few random photos from this month.

My Meyer lemon tree has a myriad of blooms!  mmm...they smell heavenly!

a tree in my backyard.  See the squirrels' nest?  

Sunlight and stacked wood lend a feeling of warmth to the frigid day.

I made a mini journal for a friend.  (Art:  the expression of human imagination and skill to produce, according to aesthetic principles, what is beautiful, appealing, or of more than ordinary significance.) 

A contented Oliver snoozes in a sunpuddle.

I worked on photographing some of my dyed outfits. 

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter  is "J."  Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun! 

photos by me  © 2013     all rights reserved


  1. The markings on your cats face are so cute! Our cats have been soaking up the sun too, trying to warm up on these chilly days.

  2. Your cat looks so content. I wouldn't mind a nap in the sun today myself!

  3. Wonderful contrast from blooms to snow!

  4. A lemon tree AND snow? What a change of pace.

  5. I LOVE that cute dress -- and of course, Oliver!

  6. I have a Hibiscus blooming in my basement, so maybe I should photograph that! Lovely series, especially Oliver...keep em coming♪

  7. I almost used January as my Alphabe theme today. Fabulous job with the flower capture. Of course I always enjoy seeing Oliver, too.

  8. January was my pick too! The photos, as always, are fabulous! What a cute dress - are you selling that in your shop? My mom's lime tree looks the same right now. She's waiting for fruit! {:-D

  9. I wish I could smell the lemon blossoms! And I love the sun in the snow scene. Awesome!

  10. I love your floral close up! Oliver looks sweet as ever :)
    What a sweet little girl's outfit!!

  11. I just cannot get over how much Oliver looks like Violet! I am going to post a photo of her on my blog so you can see for yourself! Great photos, Margaret!!!!

  12. Well, I did it, but you really can't see the extent of the black on her nose.

  13. Brrr, looks really cold ! Love the picture of snoozing Oliver ! My cats do the same ! No snowflake in view however !

  14. It looks so cold but that squirrels nest it seems so cozy!

    Love that little art journal :)

  15. How I love that little dress set! And the journal, too.

    Great photos, by the way.


  16. Great photos! The lemon blossom reminds me of the old song, "Lemon tree, very pretty, and the lemon flower is sweet, but the fruit of the poor lemon is impossible to eat."
    Oliver looks so content napping in his sun puddle!
    And the tie dyed outfit is ADORABLE!! Your photo is great! I haven't learned to superimpose text on a photo yet.

  17. Your January sounds like my January, cold and snowy. It does make for some beautiful pictures though. Oh Oliver, in all his cuteness!

  18. Brrrrr, Ollie must be glad to be inside!

  19. Beautiful photos! I love trees. And that dress is so cute! Did you paint the flowers as well as dye it??

  20. Yes, really excellent photos, beautiful snow covered trees! Greetings!

  21. I'm jealous that you have a Meyer lemon tree. Lucky you! I like how you've captured the snow and light on the trees.

  22. It looks like your January was jammed full of joyous moments...

    That art journal is really neat!

    Thanks for linking to the letter "J".



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