
Friday, January 17, 2014

Oliver's guide to the letter I

Indigenous to my house is an adorable black and white kitty named Oliver.
His intelligence is legendary. 

It is inconceivable that he would ever suffer from insomnia.  

Indolence is his forte.

Inertia seems to be his goal.

His ability for quietude is impeccable!

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter  is "I."  Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun! 

photos by me  © 2009 - 2013     all rights reserved


  1. Aww, I'm in kitty love! The pic for Inertia is priceless -- it looks like Oliver just got so tired out from playing with his toys, he just plopped down!
    I love black and white kitties -- I had one named Domino who was a real silly!

  2. O LOVE Oliver's attitude. He and I would get along perfectly. ;)

  3. Meow!!! Oliver is such a sweetheart.

  4. hahaha! I can see that in all instances, it is all true!

  5. Oliver is such a sweet gentlemancat! We love his use of the letter i!

  6. Oliver has quite a large vocabulary. {:-D

  7. Such a clever I - post! Oliver looks adorable in each picture :)

  8. Cute, cute and more cute! I don't think I realized he had beautiful green eyes...maybe because he's always sleeping :)

  9. Oliver is an Instant hit with me! He might also be Invincible (having nine lives), Interesting (even when sleeping!) and an Incredible cutie!
    Wren x

  10. This post with the letter 'I' was made for Oliver! His eyes are Intriguing.

  11. I so love kitty's! Reminds me of Boots, my dear pal who passed away in 2012! I can not believe he is gone even though it is nearly two years. Oliver has a wonderful life. we have an older cat Rose, he belongs to Nick our youngest son away at college. She is nearly 9 and very set in her ways. Then we have Tiger, a/k/a Mickey, Mr. Kitty and Mr. Tomkins! Oliver is just one photgenic kitty cat! He has a comfy life I'd say!

  12. What cute pics --- and clever use of "I' words!

  13. Oliver is so handsome! And what a great 'I'post. I especially like 'Inertia'.

  14. Impressive; he's adorable♪ Have a great week!

  15. Must be a twin brother to my Rosie !

  16. Oliver is so pawsome! We've Pinned him.

  17. Love Oliver! The life of a house cat. He seems to like to just hang out relax just like my Punkie.

  18. Oliver has a lot of interesting aspects to his personality...

    He definitely has an incredible life!

    Thanks for linking to the letter "I".



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