
Friday, January 31, 2014

snowy days (2)

What a cold snowy winter we've had! 
It's been sunnier than usual though, for which I am grateful.

my backyard.  I love the woods and the creek.

Somekitty has spent many an hour curled up on this cozy super soft blanket.

LINK:  snowy days   (1)

Come join this awesome meme SkyWatch Friday and link up! Meet folks from all over the globe!  SkyWatch Friday is hosted by Yogi, Sylvia, and Sandy.

photos by me © 2014    all rights reserved


  1. You do have a lovely view of the woods in your backyard! Somekitty is so sweet looking. I LOVE the black on his/her nose.

  2. It's been snowier than usual in Delaware, too! I might appreciate it more if I had a backyard like yours, wow.

  3. I like that first capture, the sky is so clear with the snow on the branches! Kitty looks so comfy! :)

  4. The sun does make for a beautiful sky! Somekitty sure does look comfy. The life of a house cat!

  5. Somekitty is lovely! Your backyard is beautiful.

  6. I have been grateful for the sun lately, too. Of course I always enjoy seeing your sweet kitty as well.

  7. I could use a cat nap! Great kitty photo. Snow was forecast here, but we dodged that bullet.

  8. Sun would be most welcome here… beautiful photos. Your kitty looks quite content.

  9. Lovely photos--spring can't be far away!

  10. It's great to have more sunshine in winter isn't it? We've had a wonderful winter so far but right now we have gray skies.


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