
Saturday, February 1, 2014

Secret Santa

Somekitty was very busy snoozing away when a special package arrived in the mail.

Something was SO intriguing about this package, Oliver even tried to squeeze his chubby muscular body into the skinny box!

"What is it?  There MUST be something for me!"

TO:  Oliver

From:  Angel & Isabella

(Puuurrrr!  two she kitties I greatly admire!)

excitement!  catnip toys!!!

After this discovery, Oliver becomes a ball of blur!

"Oliver, Let's see what else our Secret Santa sent!"


just one more round with my new peppermint!"

"Oh look!  There's a card with a kitty who looks just like Earnest!  and some of your favorite tea!  and beautiful papers so you can make lovely backgrounds for photos of me!  and ....

I totally believe this!"
"That's a very special journal that Sharla made, Oliver!  She sells them in her etsy shop, so lots of peoples can know all about the love of wonderful animals like you."

"I love my new catnip toys and all this special crinkly paper!"


Thanks, Sharla!

PS:  I am NOT a gray kitty!  We tried over and over and over and over to upload a photo of me, and blogger is being quite silly and uncooperative!

PPS:  The Blogging Business Artisans etsy team had a Secret Santa exchange back in December.  Sharla of Beaded Tail sent me this wonderful package!  It included great kitty toys from Pacific Cat Toys.  Sharla makes lovely jewelry as well as journals and part of the proceeds goes to help animals.  Her two kitties, Angel and Isabella help her.  You can enjoy their antics on her blog

photos by me © 2013    all rights reserved


  1. How sweet of Sharla to include a little gift for Oliver! He did a wonderful job modeling with everything.

  2. Oh we love seeing Oliver with the presents! He's such an adorable Mancat! He put big ole smiles on our faces!

  3. LOL still giggling at Oliver's love for his new toys .... he looks pretty blissed out over them! You got some wonderful items from Sharla

  4. What great gifts for you AND Oliver! Sharla and her girls are so thoughtful :)

  5. Oh Oliver is so adorable!! And we're so glad he likes his peppermints! Seeing that enjoyment is what it's all about.

  6. Pawsome, Ollie! We've Pinned you :-)

  7. Wow, what a pawsome Secret Santa! The gifts are very special indeed :)
    Love all the pics :)

  8. Oliver, you're a lucky kitty! what a great gift you received! ;)

    How have you been, Margaret? hope you're having a great new year! :)

  9. Lucky kitty! Such lovely things in the mail - much better than bills!
    xo Catherine


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