
Thursday, February 6, 2014


Driving along snow covered roads on a late January wintery afternoon, the sky was alight with glorious color.

downtown Cincinnati, Ohio on a snowy January night

The lights inside the Aronoff theater twinkle in the palacious windows through which the buildings beyond are visible.

The light of day fades into soft pinkness outside my front door.

These are all iPhone photos taken in January this year.

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter  is "L."  Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun! 

photos by me  © 2014     all rights reserved


  1. Wow! Look at those vibrant colors! You were so lucky to get those beautiful photos.

  2. Beautiful shots! I think that "glorious color" is putting it mildly for that first one. It is supercalifragilisticexpialidocious!

  3. Wow, I like your photo and the descriptions of it all could be right in my own home town! But it's not!

  4. Beautiful photos! You make a snowy night lovely!

  5. I like all of them♪ Have a great week!

  6. I love every one of them! Especially the cityscape with snow...

  7. Wow! Fabulous photos and that first one is stunning! Thanks for sharing :) Hugs!

  8. your last photo, a sunrise? , is so pretty. Great word! What would we do without light! {:-D

  9. I really love the two sky shots! What beautiful hues!

  10. The skyscapes are incredible!!

  11. Oh wow, look at that sky! We've been having some lovely sunsets here lately, too, which I suppose makes up for the terrible weather.

  12. Love the mix of subjects and lighting here!

  13. Light is the magic that gets us through these cold winter days and nights. Beautiful photos, lovely prose. Thanks for the day brightener.

  14. Cool photos! And it's nice to a sunset. We don't really get sunsets on my side of the island to begin with, and the weeks of rain mean I can't remember the last time I even saw the sun setting behind the mountains!

  15. Without a doubt wonderful photos, beautiful colors of sky, snow ... delicious !

  16. Gorgeous light show with your beautiful photography ~ thanks, carol and artmusedog, xxx

  17. I love that last photo of the sunset the best, Margaret.

  18. I love those photos. Late in 2011,I think it was,I took a load of pictures in a snowstorm and posted them on my blog. I still can't make myself delete them from my phone. Although blurry and poorest qualtiy, they are full of atmosphere, like yours of Cincinnati are..

  19. I am always amazed by the incredible colors of the sky!!! One of the things I do appreciate living on the prairie -- a clear view of the sky.

  20. The colors in that first photograph look so gorgeous... It almost looks like it isn't real.

    I love how the lights sparkle in the windows too!

    Lovely post for the letter "L".

    Thanks for linking.



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