
Sunday, May 18, 2014

random Zs

Meet Tigra, my daughter's kitty.  lover of rubber bands, catnip, people food, exploring, anything that's a circle, birdie watching, and people, too!  She has an enthusiastic love of life!  Here she is-- still for 3 seconds while I quickly snap her picture with my phone.

Mimic by D. W. Martin.  fabricated steel.  $10,750
on display in Krutch Park during the Dogwood Arts Festival in Knoxville, Tennessee, USA

one of many flowers for sale at Finlay Market in Cincinnati, Ohio, USA

Oliver never was a lap kitty, till...we purchased new chairs for our library (more on that someday).  Now it's funny how he'll jump up on the chair and even onto my lap probably because there's not much room for his chunky mus-coo-lar body between me and the arm of the chair.

D. W. Martin 
Dogwood Arts --Art in Public Places
Krutch Park 
Findlay Market 

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter is "Z." Thus ends our study of the alphabet for this round!  Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun!  
Good news!   Our wonderful teacher, Ms. Jenny has committed to another round!  The Alphabe-Thursday community is a great one.  Thank you, Ms. Jenny!

photos by me  © 2014   all rights reserved


  1. cute kitties, and a little snuggle time with Oliver :)

  2. Cute kitty pics - and I love the bright flower. How fun that Oliver has become a library lap cat!

  3. My cats do that too - jump on the chair and squeeze in next to you then slowly but surely stretch out their legs so they are taking up more and more of the chair space. Cheeky!


  4. Oliver looks so comfy :) And Tigra is such a pretty girl!

  5. What an interesting sculpture! I've decided that I think it's a bird.

  6. I especially enjoyed the kitty pictures. I have a thing for cats. I'd like to come back as a cat and sleep all day!

  7. Lovely Zs. Lovely flower and Oliver is SO adorable! How can you resist snapping his photo every second of the day?

  8. Interesting sculpture, beautiful flower and sweetie kitties! My Oliver is rather mus-coo-lar too and favors sitting on hubby's lap or scrunched up close to me -- probably because I usually have a crochet hook in my hand and therefore not lap material!!


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