
Wednesday, May 21, 2014

signs of Spring

Someone is feasting on this alium unifolium.

The irises are beginning to unfurl.

Snap peas are blooming profusely.

Nigella (Love-in-a Mist) is about to bloom.

The prolific blooms of soapwort are so cheerful.

(all from my garden)

Wordless Wednesday/ Wordy Wednesday--where I linked up: 

  The Art and Tree Chatter of Aquariann
(WWII observation tower at Fort Miles)
(Magellan and cat TV)

photos by me © 2014  all rights reserved


  1. pretty flowers!! I love the last one! I think we went straight from Winter to Summer. We've gotten a few 'spring-like' days but for the most part its been pretty hot here.

  2. Splendid signs! I was so captivated by the shape of the alium unifolium petals, I didn't even notice the bug until I read the caption. 0.o

    1. I didn't notice the bug till I saw the photo on my computer!

  3. Such pretty flowers! I plan to get out more and enjoy all the spring flowers around here soon too!

  4. Beautiful shots! I love the lily of the valley -- we had a big patch near our side porch when I was growing up on the farm in SD.

  5. Beautiful pictures! And I want your garden!! :)

  6. Great pics! I love all of the flowers...but I've never seen a Nigella, it's so unusual.

  7. Ha, I had to really look for the bug! We don't have a lot of flowers in our yard (on purpose, I tend to kill them) but I did put some in planters on the porch. They're blooming, too!


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