
Wednesday, July 23, 2014

a harvest

from the deck garden today...
a few of the edibles I picked

clockwise from top:  kale, cucumber, mixed lettuce/ mesclun/ Asian greens, banana petter (not hot), Thai basil, hot peppers, arugula, parsley
in the middle:  green/yellow/purple beans, variety of small tomatoes, sweet basil, cilantro blossoms

Last year's experiment of growing "green" beans in pots was very successful.  This year's experiment is growing cucumbers in a pot.  I've already harvested 4, and more are growing on the vines.

Wordless Wednesday/ Wordy Wednesday--where I linked up: 

  The Art and Tree Chatter of  Aquariann
  (Zombie Movie Night)

(Tsunami [kitty] On Guard) 

photo by me © 2014  all rights reserved


  1. Ooooh, Thai basil. You'd be my husband's new best friend, haha. Everything looks delicious!

  2. Beautiful harvest! It all looks super tasty.

  3. How much room does the cuke take? Is it staked up? I was considering growing one next year if it doesn't take up too much space.

    1. I planted 4 (successfully growing) bush cucumber seeds in a pot and put in a tomato trellis. It's working well!

  4. Yum! A whole meal just waiting for you :)

  5. They are gorgeous! The colors are just enticing.

  6. Looks like you have a bumper crop!! LOVE fresh veggies! I had good luck with my deck garden tomatoes, and lots of backyard raspberries earlier this season, but I've had to rely on the local farmers' market for most of my fresh fruits and veggies.

  7. I wish I could garden! I kill everything, but if I didn't, it would be so worth it!

  8. Awesome, these look delicious. I'm sure something good will come out of your kitchen.


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