
Thursday, July 17, 2014

Plain of Six Glaciers

a favorite hike
in three installments
The hike continues from last week's POST.  
surrounded by Intense beauty

Look closely and you will see that there is a metal chain along the rock wall.  Using it wasn't necessary because the path was wide enough and not slippery.

looking back at Lake Louise

almost there!

a bench on which to sit and absorb the views and pristine air

the tea house!  where fresh bread, soup, sandwiches, sweets, and tea are offered 
I love the idea of a tea house high up in the mountains where one can relax and revive after a hike.

How do all the supplies get way up here?  What happens to the garbage?

The scenery at this point and along the entire hike is Intensely beautiful.  From here there is a trail that climbs up to a glacier.  That's a hike for another trip!

commentary from last week:

Banff National Park in Alberta, Canada is one of the most spectacular places on Earth.  My husband and I were privileged to visit twice in 2 consecutive years.  The Plain of  Six Glaciers is my top, number 1 favorite hike I've ever done.  This is because the scenery is breathtakingly spectacular every single step of the way!  My photos do not do justice.  Yet I offer them as a small taste of possibility.

There are links in last week's POST as well.  You can also see a map of this hike and will note that it is basically straight up.

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week our letter is  "I."   --for Intense Beauty--  Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun!  

Thank you, Ms Jenny, for hostessing another round! 

photos by me  © 2013   all rights reserved


  1. Intense beauty is right! I bet many (most?) hikers don't think about the supplies, or their trash, or the food so it was interesting reading about that! I can't imagine having fresh supplies brought in by pack horses! But how fabulous that they do, and have that lovely tea house for the hikers!

  2. Just so beautiful! And I do love the tea house. I would definitely stop there for a break.

  3. What a beautiful place for a hike! The tea house is a neat idea and what a lovely commute they have!

  4. The landscape is magnificent! I'm impressed that you hiked all the way up there! I LOVE the tea house :)

  5. Your photos are so beautiful that they produced visual overload. If that path was TWICE as wide, I would still be clinging to that chain all the way. I think I told you that because we have family in Alberta, Rod and I have been there many times. Your photos remind me of trips we have taken with our cousins.

  6. Okay, I was already totally enthralled by this place from your first post, but now I know about the tea house and I think my brain just exploded. SO cool. And actually really smart, because I bet you were starving after a hike like that.

  7. I think we've talked about this place before! One of my very favorite places in the world for sure. I've not been on that hike so adding it to my things to do next time we get back up there. Maybe next summer? I'm going to start working on my husband right now.

  8. Wow!

    What a gorgeous and impressive area!

    I love the tea house!

    I'd totally love to go here some day!

    Thanks for linking for the letter I.



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