
Thursday, June 30, 2011


We've missed you....
 What have we been up to?  you ask.

playing (Earnest with catnip toy)

helping (Earnest is keeping safe the shipment of chamois to tie dye.)

snoozing in sun puddles  (We are very talented at this!)

snuggling (Oliver)
So as you can see, we've been very very busy!

We are participating in Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday.  Come and join in the fun!  You will be charmed, and you just may be enlightened!  See more entries HERE.  This week our letter is "K."  

I'm also linking up with my favorite kitty meme, Cats on Tuesday, hosted by Gattina.  Check it out HERE.

photos by me © 2010 and 2011

Monday, June 20, 2011

celebrating my Dad

My Dad and me at Christmastime.  I am just shy of my 3rd birthday.

My Dad has been dead many years and is so missed.  He was a gentle and kind man with a giving heart.  Of course, I had him wrapped around my little finger! 
(How about that tie?!)

This post is for the etsy bloggers' team carnival which is hosted by Cindy of Devine Designs Jewelry.  You can visit her shop HERE and her blog HERE.  (Her creations are gorgeous!) 

These are the topics for this carnival: 
1. Father's Day is June 19. Write anything you want pertaining to Father's Day.
2. What is your favorite summer recipe? Please share with us!
A list with links to all participants submissions are posted on our team BLOG.   (You'll want to see the yummy and easy Summer recipe posted here.)
photo by W. Jamison © 2011

Friday, June 17, 2011


...marked by inventive skill and imagination...
The amazing ingenuity of nature delights me!  All around us are everyday miracles that are inspirational and cause our spirits to soar.  I love to take my camera for a trip around my yard or the greater world to catch some of these miracles.  In this post, I will focus on pattern, color, and form of just a few plants.
bee guides on pansy
riotous paint job


pollen rich yearning

I'm participating in Ms. Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday.  Come visit more entries HERE.  You will be enlightened, charmed, and have some plain ole fun!  This week our letter is "I." 

(HERE  is my last post for the letter I, "inspiration.")

Thursday, June 9, 2011


butterfly exhibit at Krohn Conservatory

a friend beginning the weaving of a basket  a little more

my aunt and my mother (photo by my daughter)

a special wedding--our longtime friends.  The minister is the bride's father.

Little Tigra (my daughter's kitty) could fall asleep anywhere, anytime.  Here my hubby is holding her.  more--Kitties Who Came to Play

Come join in the fun at Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday.  You will be enlightened, charmed, and have some plain ole fun!  See more entries HERE.  This week our letter is "H." 

(HERE is my last "H" entry, a recipe for hummus.)

most photos by me © 2006, 2009, 2010
hands photo by Cara Freije © 2008

Sunday, June 5, 2011

Nanjo Dogz

Nancy creates the most wonderful polymer clay beads!   Visit her shop NanjoDogz to see her amazing doggie beads.

This is a Pandora style hand sculpted Westie.  (I'm featuring it as a tribute to my friends who LOVE Westies!)

Here is a light brown and white beagle.

I couldn't resist showing you this cute basset hound, aptly named "Your Majesty Little Toes." "She wears a little silver crown on her head and in the center of her crown there is an amber Swarovski crystal."


Nanjo Dogz "features polymer clay Pandora beads, sculpture, pendants, tiles, beads and more with our main concentration on the dog in various breeds. Although our main focus is on dog related creations, we also create various other critter beads. We have a variety of whimsical and unique items."

Nancy also writes a blog about her beautiful creations.  You can find it HERE.   

Nancy is the featured etsy blogger for the month of May.  Etsy bloggers' team rocks!  Come check it out!

photos by Nancy © 2011

Friday, June 3, 2011


3rd baby barred owl that was re-nested in our backyard
flowering Bishop's Weed (Aegopodium podagraria) growing among the hostas in my garden

my daughter photographing bees (Asheville, NC)

sea grapes (Sint Maarten, NA)

green eyes of a praying mantis

detail of a hand dyed and painted dress by me here

mystery plant growing in my yard-- Here's what it turned out to be!

spiny cactus at Krohn Conservatory

Kauai, Hawaii

I'm participating in Jenny Matlock's Alphabe-Thursday.  Come visit!  You will be enlightened, charmed, and have some plain ole fun!  See more entries HERE.  This week our letter is "G."  

photos by me © 2005-2011  all rights reserved