
Sunday, January 31, 2010

more memes

because they're so much fun!   These are crafty ones. Go see what folks have made or arranged or thought up creatively,  and add your own link. Well, it was going to be all crafty ones.  But I just kept finding more memes.  
Tablescape Thursday on Between Naps on the Porch 

Do It Yourself Day (on Tuesdays) on A Soft Place to Land
Transformation Thursday on The Shabby Chic Cottage

Make It for Monday on Cottage Instincts
Strut Your Stuff Thursday on Somewhat Simple

Scrap Weekly in 2010--a new challenge is posted every Sunday.  It's explained HERE.

Cute Card Thursday--(card making) a new theme every week with a chance to win a prize (randomly chosen)  

The Pink Elephant Challenge (card making)--a new theme every Monday with prizes                                                                  

And one that not crafty, but pure networking, Friday Follow which is hosted by three blogs-One 2 Try, Hearts Make Families, and Midday Escapades.    information
This one's not crafty either, but it just has to be mentioned.  Flashback Friday on this blog-- Christopher and Tia
I just have to tell you about this one!  i  ♥ faces--"a photography site focused on the art of capturing faces and their various emotions. Each week, people from across the world have the opportunity to enter their favorite face photos into a themed photo challenge. A “Guest Photographer Judge” will choose ten of their favorite photos that will then be displayed on our home page."  Find it HERE.  Look on the left side of the blog to see the theme schedule.  If you love photography, do go peruse this blog!   
I just found another one--Friday Felicities!  Write a list of things that make you happy.  Then go link up on Becky Perry's blog.  HERE

I found another one I just HAD to share!  It's Remember Whensday.   "Share your old photographs and the memories that go with them." 
I found another crafty one!  Mojo Monday  is a sketch challenge created by Julee Tilman. Intended as a way to inspire you to get creative each week, Julee designs and posts a new sketch every Monday.  These challenges are open to anyone, and you're free to use stamps and supplies from any company.  You have till the following Sunday to link up.  Every month there is a contest with prizes.  Read about that HERE. 

Link your blog to Mish Mash Monday every week on  Audrey's Country Crafts.  fun, random thoughts

Friday, January 29, 2010


from the esty bloggers' team shops
right to left across:
Row 1 
Row 2
Row 3
Row 4
This is for the etsy bloggers' carnival which will be published on Monday, February 1, on AliciaMae's blog Crafts and Cooking.  You can visit AliciaMae's shop HERE.
I found these items searching etsy for "snowflakes etsy bloggers" and "snowflakes etsybloggers."
photos by individual shop owners  © 2009 & 2010  all rights reserved

Thursday, January 28, 2010


I just realized that today is my one year bloggiversary!  Even though I was somewhat apprehensive in the beginning, it has been so much fun!  I have met so many wonderful people.  I have learned new things, been to new places, seen wonderful photographs, shared laughter and tears.  Thank you, my bloggy friends, for a wonderful year!

Wintertime: my first post
Wintertime Beauty in Ice and Snow: my second post whose very last photo I love
Cranberry, Orange, and Pecan Scones with Sweet Chevre Spread
Summer Tomatoes
Chocolate Nut Brittle
Kitties Who Came to Play
wishing you 
a simple tip
FLOWERS:  lots, so I'll pick some favorites
the miracle of flowers
inspiration:  Mother's Day style
a flower
cactus (number 2)

The Color Purple--The Brenda Photo Challenge
Daylily:  Today's Flowers
Nigella:  Today's Flowers
SNIPPETS (of happyment):
snippets (number 1)
snippets (number 2)
sinppets (number 3)
snippets (number 4)
what is one strange thing...
knitted village
and about me:
I leave you with a photo I love that is not in any post above:
It seems I couldn't help myself and the list of a few posts turned into more.  This list is by no means comprehensive, however it will serve as a sort of "catalog" for me.
all content and photos by me  © 2009 & 2010
PS:  HERE is the post on that cactus.

Tuesday, January 26, 2010

a simple tip

Keep your current favorite toy safe by sleeping with it.


Ugh!  There goes that flashy thing again! 

Oliver's current favorite "toy" is a piece of cotton jersey fabric dyed orange.  I made this for a sample of the color, and it was on a counter in the kitchen--up high--safe from all cats, right?  Being the kind loving person I am, I decided to let him have it.  He loves it so! 
Tip post inspired by Isabella the beautiful at Beaded Tail.  HERE is one of her must valuable tips. 

This is for Cats on Tuesdays where you can see even more wonderful kitties. 

Monday, January 25, 2010

One World One Heart giveaway

how would you like to fly away,
fly away on a magic carpet!
to a land where your most favored dreams become reality!

One World One Heart was created by Lisa in 2007 to bring bloggers together from around the world who may never ordinarily meet.  The object is to discover new and wonderful people along the way, and in the process possibly win one or many prizes.  It's all about sharing and finding kindred spirits.

So come on in!  Let's get started!    Please stay awhile,  Make yourself comfortable and look around.  After your visit here, grab your magic carpet and fly on over to the next home.  As Lisa says, "Think of this as taking a giant tour of homes; you get to stop in, look around, meet the people who live there, admire and be inspired and before you go on to the next one you leave your name in hopes to win a door prize at each home."
And now for my giveaway!

"Oh, what is it?" you say.  "It's earrings, " I say.   "I can SEE that!"  you say.
These are beautiful earrings made from Grade A freshwater rice pearls, Grade A freshwater potato pearls, and sterling silver.  The lovely pearls are so lustrous!  They will come in a silk bag that I hand dyed with the happy colors of Spring.  Read on to see how I dyed it.

After the silk is washed and dried, I tied it up.  In this case, I used orthodontic rubber bands.


 Now the tied silk is soaked in white vinegar for 30 minutes.

ready to dye!

Place in closeable baggie and microwave on high for two minutes.  You can pause the microwave every 45 seconds or so to keep the bag from bursting.  Now open up (VERY carefully) and wash  with a dab of mild soap.  Soak in a solution of water and a little fabric softener if you like.  Iron on low heat.

Now it's ironed and ready for you to win!

And now for the skinny on how to win!
FIRST, this giveaway is open to those with blogs only.  
SECOND,  leave a comment on THIS post and do tell me a dream you have--it can be tiny or very big.  You may leave as many as 5 comments, but they must be made on DIFFERENT days.
THIRD, in your comment, please leave a way for me to reach you should you win.
You have till 11:59 PM on February 14th to enter.  I will choose a winner on February 15 using a random number generator.

Go visit One World One Heart on Lisa's blog, A Whimsical Bohemian to see how to play along and for a list of all participants.
Have fun!
♥ Margaret
photos by me  © 2010 except for OWOH badge which is © 2010 by Lisa

Friday, January 22, 2010

Sint Maarten: SkyWatch Friday

Arriving planes do come very close to the land.

Sint Maarten, Netherland Antillies

This is for SkyWatch Friday.  Do come visit and see skies from all over the world HERE.

photos by me  © 2008 and 2009

Wednesday, January 20, 2010

little fabric gems

Look at this beautiful shop of fabric wonders!  Nico Designs is the featured etsy blogger for the month of January.

I love these sweet little shoes.

This Fiesta tote is so fun!

And here's a sweet upcycled pear pincushion.

NICO's latest obsession is her wonderful art dolls like Gertie .  You simply must go to her shop and read the stories these dolls have to tell.

"Live each day as if it were a gift."  This is the quote at the top of Erika's blog.  (Yes, Erika is the name of the delightful person who owns NICO's shop and blog.)  I love this cute hat upcycled from a sweater.  She tells how to make it HERE
She has a tutorial on making baby leg warmers, too, but you'll have to go to her blog to find it.
a little bit about Erika and NICO Designs--Erika is a SAHM with two very young children.   She is inspired by her family.  (In fact, there is a special connection between her father and the name of her shop--it's her father's nickname for her.)  Creating and sewing is her fun and sanity.  She designs all her products with style and functionality in mind.  Using 100% cotton fabrics,  Erika combines new, repurposed, recycled, or upcycled materials.
Please visit:
photos by Erika © 2009-2010

Friday, January 15, 2010

an incomplete retrospective

2009 partially revisited...

The year was like a tsunami, very deeply personally difficult.  I had often thought to write something to explain my absences or lacks of response.  And here I am starting again, yet facing the same inability of expression.
HERE is where I alluded to my mother's illness which began in mid-January.  I was her POA and looked after her and her interests.  She died on June 4.  She was so loved by so many...
In March, we discovered my husband's brother (who lives 1700 miles away) was having mental difficulties~early dementia.  We flew out to visit him and assess the situation which resulted in my husband becoming his POA.  There are heaps of on-going issues here. 
And yet there are even more personally distressing situations and events that occurred in 2009, some of which are ongoing.  But I shall leave it at that...incomplete.
GOODBYE, tsunami!
There were also wonderful aspects of last year.  It is well said in this poem:
For each thorn, there's a rosebud...
for each twilight---a dawn...
for each trial---the strength to carry on,
for each storm cloud---a rainbow...
for each shadow---the sun...
for each parting---sweet memories
when sorrow is done.
~Ralph Waldo Emerson

So, yes, it was a most difficult year, but there have been many rainbows as well. 
I started blogging!  Here's my very first post:  Wintertime Beauty in Ice and Snow!  I even had 3 comments!  I had no idea blogging would be so much fun.  I've "met" the most wonderful people--like you, dear reader!

I started selling in 2 etsy shops, Splendid Little Stars and Sparkly Park.          

In April, my husband and I went to Phoenix, Arizona for a week.  It was mainly to help out my brother in law.  I did get to spend a day at the wonderful Desert Botanical Garden.  There was an amazing Chihuly (an incredible glass artist) installation throughout the park.

Fish Creek Canyon (above)                                                 Dale Chihuly "The Sun" (right)                                          
I spent uncountable hours at the hospital or rehab visiting my mother, where I met many kind, loving, amazing, wonderful caregivers.
view from a window at the hospital
I saw a lovely rainbow through the windows in the back of my house.
I dreamed by the fire....
 watched spring emerge...
visited our friends in Indianapolis, the same friends as in this POST.   I had fun taking photos of interesting houses and buildings.

taught tie dye classes in various places including a Girl Scout camp!
worked in my garden
snuggled with kitties
visited my daughter in Asheville, North Carolina
attended 4 weddings
made a few crafts
cooked wonderful food
watched the leaves turn colors
enjoyed sunsets
and photographed everything!
What do I want to accomplish in 2010?  What do I look forward to?  What are my hopes and dreams?  Although I may have many ambitions ( I had them last year, too), I know it is the simple things I will enjoy most, good health, and the love of family and friends. Although I will work toward my goals, both business (increasing online visibility, new designs, new projects, organization) and personal (organization, more bicycling, cherishing friendships), I realize that life offers numerous unforeseen events.  So here's to my wonderful and supportive friends, both on and off line!

This is for the etsy bloggers' street team carnival which will be published on Monday, January 18 by Beaded Tail.  Sharla asks us to answer one of these questions:
1) Now that 2009 has come to a close, what will you remember most about last year?
2) Now that 2010 is here, what do you have planned/look forward to/hope to accomplish this year?              
photos by me © 2009 and 2010