Whooo doesn't like owls?! (farmers, perhaps)These super cute owl cookies made an appearance on the etsy blog in a story by Heather Baird.
Click this LINK to get the recipe and directions. While you're there, discover a very cool Thanksgiving tradition in Heather's family.
(Did you know my hubby and I helped re-nest 3 baby barred owls a few years ago? Re-nesting & Baby Owl #2 )
Want to know how popular your name (or kids' or friends' or...) was in the years from the 1880s to 2014? Of course you do! WARNING: This is addicting! Go directly to Baby Name Wizard Voyager and begin typing away!NameVoyager: Explore baby names and name trends letter by letter
Current rank:
Names starting with 'MARGARET' per million babies
per million births
(unfortunately, the graph is not showing up when the blog is posted)
Moose Roots (names) is another cool name search site that even includes last names. This site has links to the meaning and origins of names as well as lots of other data. Go explore! Moose Roots .com itself is a genealogy research site.

draw like Picasso
picasso head --click on the CREATE button and "draw" a face. Save it to the gallery.
just for fun!
Snowboarding Bird videoWhat cool random things have crossed your path recently?
other name links:
google search Moose Roots trendy names
trendiest baby names
15 trendy baby names
Do you know any small children with these trendy names? I do!
all images © by the individual websites