This post is inspired by a post on Rasa's blog Happyment.
I just love that word because it is a combination of the words happy and content. Sometimes something small can just fill your soul with a thrill. So, from time to time, I will capture one snippet of happyment and post it here.
Rasa was inspired by an art class assignment to write down 100 things she sees in a week. This she has now translated into capturing with a camera instead of words. She has a visual diary called Pieces of Happyment.
Check out Rasa's blog post here: http://http//rasaspulle.blogspot.com/2009/02/pears-in-plastic-bag.html
Oh you're wondering what that is, are you?! That is the fire in my, yes, wood-burning, fireplace yesterday at the end of my birthday night.
photo by me
PS the Curious Rabbit has a wonderful post about "Lots of Little Things that make me smile everyday." http://http://thecuriousrabbit.blogspot.com/2009/02/lots-of-little-things.html