Thursday, November 21, 2013


design on a business garage door in Asheville, North Carolina

Alphabe-Thursday, hosted by Ms Jenny, is so much fun!  This week we begin the alphabet once more--with the letter  "A" of course! Come visit others' submissions HERE and join in the fun! 


 photos by me  © 2013   all rights reserved


  1. Look at you with two A posts!! That's a pretty interesting garage door!

  2. Looks like they should keep painting... it's resembling graffiti in some parts and not the others.

  3. I don't think it's quite finish, needs more paint....

    have a great day.

  4. That looks like something right out of the River Arts District, haha. LOve it. And it reminds me of a quilt for some reason. ahaha

  5. Ha! They made the garage door look like a chest of drawers ;-)

  6. Wow, what kind of business was it? I'm going to guess... either some kind of art studio or a salvaged goods store?

    1. great guesses, Paige!
      It is a private children's school.

    2. Wait...WHAT private children's school? I ask because I teach at one and it's not far from the RAD! Haha...that's hilarious and it would be even more so if that's on my campus and I didn't even know it. LOL

    3. It just might be, Cyndi! There is a sign next to it that says Rainbow Mountain Children's School.

  7. Oh.

    Neat! Neat!

    I love abstract art! Sadly my husband likes hyper-realism so we clash a bit in this area!

    What an absolutely clever idea for public viewing, though!

    I enjoyed this immensely.

    Thanks for linking.


  8. OMG! OMG! I had to come back here to tell you. I saw this! I saw it, saw it! Haha. It IS right next to my school! HAHA! I was driving home and I park at the nearby church (that the school is trying to buy) and this garage is almost on the back side of one of our buildings. I had to come over and share, haha! As for me, the semester is almost over and I'll have a little more time to get back to blogging. :) HUGS!

  9. Great shot ~ love that garage door ~ Great post for A ~ xoxo

    artmusedog and carol (A Creative Harbor)

    ps. makes me want to paint my garage door now ~


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