Wednesday, November 13, 2013

It snowed!

Many bushes and trees still have leaves.

Flowers are still blooming.

The birds have not yet consumed all the berries.

The temperatures have been mostly warm...till last night when rain turned to snow!  It's just a light dusting, but giving us notice that Fall is turning into Winter.

Wordless Wednesday--where I linked up: 

  The Art and Tree Chatter of Aquariann

photos by me © 2013  all rights reserved


  1. Nature looks lovely "frosted". You captured it beautifully!
    We had snow early in the morning as well...

  2. Awful ! I hate snow, but I think the same will happen here in Belgium too. Flowers are still blooming and only few trees have an autumn look, I suspect that winter will move in from one day to the other without any autumn ! Beautiful pictures though !

  3. Yikes! I'm not ready for the snow your. Your photos are so beautiful! A couple of years ago we had a huge snowstorm just before Halloween. It was so odd since all the plants and trees still had their leaves!

  4. That rose is just so stunning. We've Pinned it.

  5. Your photos make it look so pretty...but I'm still not ready for the snow!

  6. It snowed here, too! And then it's supposed to be almost 60 again this weekend. What?!


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