This month, Sharla of Beaded Tail gave us the following Challenge:
Your challenge is to incorporate your favorite inspiration into a project of your choice. Are you inspired by nature? Create something to show how nature makes you feel! Do your kids motivate you? Have them join you in a crafty project!
Do your pets "help" you with your craft? Let's see their pawsome contributions! Have fun just letting your inspiration lead you to do something crafty!
Glacier National Park
I am so inspired by the beauty of nature. Imagine a deep blue pristine lake surrounded by snow peaked forested mountains with meadows of flowers at your feet. Huge vistas inspire awe. But so do the tiny intricate details of a painted flower.For this challenge, I decided to paint a silk scarf with flowers. I didn't have a plan in mind except that the flowers would be pink. That's the starting point. I let inspiration lead me from there...
I've used several techniques and processes in creating this scarf.
Wash scarf.
Soak in solution and let dry.
I began by painting the petals and their outlines. I added a little salt for some texture.
Let cure.
Wash scarf.
Soak in solution and let dry.
Paint petal details and center of flowers.
Add a little salt.
Paint green stems/vines.
Add dots of pink and green.
Add 4 flowers of a different shape in 2 shades of pink and add green stems.
Let cure.
Air dry.

Add a little salt.
Paint green stems/vines.
Add dots of pink and green.
Add 4 flowers of a different shape in 2 shades of pink and add green stems.
Let cure.
Air dry.
Photograph. ↑ details ↑
The completed scarf--hand painted on China silk--light and breezy and perfect for Summer. You can find this in my etsy shop HERE.
Intrigued by our team challenge? Come on over to our BBA BLOG and see what others have made! Create something yourself that fits the theme and link up!
QUESTION: What inspires you to create?
photos by me © 2011 and 2012 all rights reserved